Search results

  1. K

    Would This Be Cruel?

    Very funny hawkins :lol: I'm adding that to my collection of quips and I'll wheel it out in the future pretending it's mine! :good:
  2. K

    Unagressive Male Normal?

    Must admit I like my males to be hard as nails - don't trust the quiet ones.
  3. K


    Sounds like water contaminated from impact of hurricane as you suspect hence why chlorine increased to combat rise in bacteria and other nasties. Real shame you lost so many fish. Are you okay? Any impact to you or your house etc? Biggest disaster to affect me recently has been Lehmans...
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    Petstore Horror

    Missiguk, 18 months old - seriously? Most fighters are close to the death at this age, if not dead already. Doesn't sound like a very smart LFS to me.
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    I Think I Already Know The Answer...

    Agree with Remz. Used to use it a lot years ago but tried recently with my fish and they won't accept it. Spoilt with too much live food I think ....
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    Betta Was Out Of Water For A Minute

    I think they can survive for as long as their gills remain moist and any cats don't spot them. Had a horrendous experience earlier this year when one fish jumped from one tank to another and they beat the cr$p out of each other to the point where all fins were destroyed and one had an eye...
  7. K

    Rip Draco

    Real shame when any fish dies and particularly for such a beautiful fish as this. Sorry for your loss.
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    Issue Sending Fish Via Post Office

    Latest update to my initial posting .... Seller response; Chris, This is quite simple. You dont need the card, just tracking ID. I took the tracking id and the website gave me an address in the City centre. The office checked and printed out a full tracking log from the exact minute the box...
  9. K

    Issue Sending Fish Via Post Office

    Yes, good call. I'm getting details from post office tomorrow just to make sure I have full facts. Oh well, potential negative for me in ebay but I'm not prepared to let someone take the mickey. Chris
  10. K

    Issue Sending Fish Via Post Office

    I think you've hit the nail on the head 5teady! I'm absolutely stunned by the response I received - cake and eat it when the fault is on their side as fish delivered on due date. They also quote on the quality of the fish which is just about puts the icing on the cake. I am rarely surprised...
  11. K

    Issue Sending Fish Via Post Office

    Hi all, Recently sold a fish and sent via post office next day delivery process. Was sent on 11th September to arrive on the 12th. Thought that it was an issue with post office process and hence offered full refund if fish arrived late and was dead as would then have ability to claim post...
  12. K

    Fish Names?

    and me ....
  13. K

    Fish Names?

    One of my males probably thinks he does have a name as I keep calling him the same thing every time he eats the eggs and fry after breeding.
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    Some Pix To Share

    Wow, stunning fish. Great job!
  15. K

    Fish Names?

    man :good:
  16. K

    Fish Names?

    I think I must be the odd one out. I've never ever given one of my fish a name.
  17. K

    Betta Colours

    Yes, they can do. I know that marbles in particular can change quite dramatically throughout their life looking like a different fish at various stages. Had a marble fish which was basically white with blue patches that changed into a royal blue butterly. You'd never have known he was the...
  18. K

    White Patches (mould?) On Tail

    Remz, Sorry, realise my response came across a bit strong - it wasn't meant to. Just stressing that all live foods come from unknown sources in most instances i.e. I don't know where my tubifex or bloodworm are really sourced from to be honest even though bought from local fish shops. I don't...
  19. K

    Breeding Quessie

    Modaz, Culling helps the better fish reach potential as you're taking away unneccessary competition for food and space. If too many fry in an area of water, fish can be stunted, hence why culling helps better fish reach their potential. Available space is absolutely a factor and most breeders...
  20. K

    Breeding Quessie

    Just to clarify I didn't say culling was "the" way to make fish reach their potential but it is necessary to help the better fish to do so. You've personally seen my fry so should know my ability to raise decent fish!
  21. K

    Breeding Quessie

    Fair enough, good for you. You could try using a smaller female to limit fry or just cull the fry as you go along selecting for size initially and then starting to look at things such as colour and finnage later on. If you want to raise healthy fish culling is necessary to allow the better...
  22. K

    Good Match?

    Stunning male. Definitely worth matching to your female - nice finnage on male.
  23. K

    White Patches (mould?) On Tail

    Foreign food? All live foods are "foreign foods" then? Risk is attached to all live foods but the benefits of feeding them outweigh the risks of feeding a purely synthetic diet. Earthworms themselves are very much underrated as a food item and are actually really good if allowed to purge...
  24. K

    Breeding Quessie

    If you want more information look around the internet and search for topics about betta genetics as this will help you out. It really depends on what you are trying to achieve from your breeding. If just some nice fish you can call your own, who cares. If however you are looking to develop...
  25. K

    My Spawn Is Almost All Grown Up

    I must admit I wondered have bothered with such a small spawn. I would have reconditioned fish and tried again. If you get 200 eggs you really should be able to produce at least 30 good fish and that is after culling a large number of fish to get to this point. It's just not efficient to...
  26. K

    How To Breed Bettas

    Agree with other comments just look around internet as there are hundreds of articles. Take the best bits from each and create your own method that suits you. Only other thing I'd mention is that even when you get everything right in terms of conditions etc. success is not guaranteed...
  27. K

    Fry Food... Opinions Please :)

    Not sure what they mean by day 3 - day 3 after hatching or day 3 after free swimming? Probably the former which would indicate that pretty much as soon as free swimming they can take this. I do know some breeders who use this. They grind it up even more before putting it in the tank though...
  28. K

    Successful Spawn!

    There are plenty of breeders in the US - might be worth looking at Aquabid as quite a few on there. I'm based in UK and I do sell quite a few fish but I will only ship fish within the UK. Do a search on the internet for Great Lakes Betta Society which is based in and around Michigan. There is...
  29. K

    New Bettas

    Very nice fish - never seen a cambodian with yellow fins. Any idea what the parentage is - just wondering what would have produced such a fish.
  30. K

    Successful Spawn!

    Came back from work tonight and was greeted by last few embraces of a successful spawn. Both fish are siblings from an initial pairing of halfmoons so this will be first brood as part of line breeding program for blue halfmoons. Finished up with about 150 eggs which is okay - had bigger spawns...
  31. Embrace_2_Spawn_4.2.jpg


  32. K

    First Time Breeding

    Not necessarily an issue having him in with the females - depends on the fish concerned. Not sure I buy into the recent fads of keeping male bettas completely segregated from all other fish but each to their own. What are the sizes of the females like? Third one is nicely roed up and I would...
  33. K

    Bettas & Guppies

    Personally I've never had problems with bettas and guppies in a community tank and I've kept fish for a number of years. I do tend to have quite large community tanks though so fish aren't in each others face all the time. In current tank, 4 ft long, I have 1 male betta and 4 guppies (2 of...
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    Sudden Aggreesion

    Sounds like jealousy lol. You'll have to stop showing the catfish any attention.
  35. K

    Cherry Barbs And Bettas

    Tiger barbs are the worst - don't touch with a bargepole as really bad at nipping fins. Cherry barbs tend to be more shy but still a risk keeping with bettas I'd say.
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    My Guy Made A Bubble Nest!

    Really good sign if he's making a bubble nest - really happy and healthy - good potential breeder (I must stop thinking about breeding all the time lol).
  37. K

    Newbie W/ Bloodworm ?s

    Hi Kelly, Obviously would be better to get the smaller bloodworm to feed whole to the adults. Also would be best to feed them live as opposed to frozen. However, there are no issues with chopping worms to feed to bettas - I use this technique using a razor blade with both live tubifex and...
  38. K

    I Have Absolutely No Luck With Bettas!

    What's your water conditions / quality like? Is your filtration system effective? I've always thought most dropsy is caused by poor water conditions or linked to another form of stress in some shape or form? Are you conducting regular water changes? Apologise if I'm teaching granny to suck...
  39. K

    Male Betta Brutalized

    female fighters can definitely be bitchy - I have a male in a tank with 4 females but it is a fairly large tank but it's still a risk. This is not just limited to fighters though - any fish to some extent will tend to pick out on the weaker or injured fish and bully them - it's natures way...
  40. K

    New Member Introduction

    Thanks for the welcome and comments everyone. Tibby, I consider all of them to be pets to be honest. I have a main community tank as well with some fighters in this tank too (which are retained) as well as other fish but nothing too aggressive in there. I find it hard to part with a lot of...