Betta Was Out Of Water For A Minute


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2008
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I had put him in a cup full of water while cleaning out his bowl, it took me atleast five minutes to do so, when I got back I was astonished to see no fish in cup, didnt even notice it lying outside next to the cup though the table is off white with no design on it, dont know how long it was out of water maybe a minute or less maybe more but thankfully it was ok when I put it back.
I had put him in a cup full of water while cleaning out his bowl, it took me atleast five minutes to do so, when I got back I was astonished to see no fish in cup, didnt even notice it lying outside next to the cup though the table is off white with no design on it, dont know how long it was out of water maybe a minute or less maybe more but thankfully it was ok when I put it back.

Whew! Close call eh? Though I am not sure how long Bettas can be out of water for? Anyways, glad your fish is okay! :)
I've had a few disasters like that. They are pretty hardy staying out of the water because they can breathe surface air.

I had a gf a couple years ago that had a betta that must have hated me :lol:. I was trying to catch him in a cup by the kitchen sink and he ended up flopping underneath a crock pot that WAS ON! I thought he was going to be dinner, but i got him out from under there (and it was HOT) and he was fine. Then a couple weeks later he managed to jump out of his little tank while I was in the shower. Not sure how long he was on the floor, but it was about a 4 foot drop. Plopped him back in and he was fine.

This was before I knew much about bettas and kept my own of course :lol:
I think they can survive for as long as their gills remain moist and any cats don't spot them.

Had a horrendous experience earlier this year when one fish jumped from one tank to another and they beat the cr$p out of each other to the point where all fins were destroyed and one had an eye hanging out of his socket - my own fault as had no lids on tanks they were in.

Still feel guilt even now as ultimately my fault. I've vowed that it will never happen again.

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