My Spawn Is Almost All Grown Up


Fish Herder
Dec 27, 2007
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well these guys are at about 2.5 months now. and I have one male and one female that made it to near adulthood. they are in a ten gallon divided, just hanging out and growing. both are green, with some red threw the fins, while neither came out light colored like their mother, the girl has the exact same body shape. they both have a very scaloped look to the tails, so perhaps they are going to be rts or fts like their daddy.

the girl is getting kinda pudgy and breedy stripy, I think because she can see the boy threw the divider. these are the best pics I can get, its hard to get pics of the boy the way the tank is divided.


Oh they are beautiful! Stunning colours!
well my betta breeding has been put on hold because of time issues, however, my sister also breeds bettas and for now I was going to lend her my nicest bettas to spawn. she actualy has a spawn from the same father thats two weeks older then these guys.
Really, well he been a busy daddy lately aint he. yeah id let your sis ave a go with breeding them.
I know wat its like when time seems to be gone before ya realise it. good luck
Awesome! they are going to be stunning. What do the mom and dad look like? I don't think I ever caught your initial breeding topic.
those are the only two that survived to this point, the father had eaten a good amount of the eggs, could have been infertile or got fungused. even when 200 fry hatch, you can be lucky to get 20 -30 live to healthy adulthood.

heres mom

and dad, dad was quite the nice ft.
those are the only two that survived to this point, the father had eaten a good amount of the eggs, could have been infertile or got fungused. even when 200 fry hatch, you can be lucky to get 20 -30 live to healthy adulthood.

heres mom

and dad, dad was quite the nice ft.

I'm excited to see how these guys turn out. Shame only 2 made it
I must admit I wondered have bothered with such a small spawn. I would have reconditioned fish and tried again. If you get 200 eggs you really should be able to produce at least 30 good fish and that is after culling a large number of fish to get to this point.

It's just not efficient to spend 2 / 3 months raising such a small brood.

Both fry look quite nice though. Not sure about the old man but very interesting mum. What was she exactly - platinum superdelta or something like that.

she was a white sd/borderline hm.

like I said before, I have stoped spawning beause I just dont have the time.

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