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    Bettas in a Divided Tank

    Thats enough to know the other male is there. If you ever see a male wrap a female, you will understand just how far they bend. They could chew their tail to the bone if they wanted to. I have 3 males I can not card with other males. They chew their tails every time. I have to set a female...
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    Stripes white female body

    Females react differently. Some hide alot, some want to help in the nest making. Some get bit in the butt, and run and hide. Some just swim away and come back for more. When the female is ready to be wrapped, she will cuddle with the male. They go in circles until they line up right, and she...
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    Colloidal silver online

    I'm curious. What about the theory that medicating for no reason makes the disease immune to the treatment? Like Penicillan. Best med ever, now it only works on a few things. I'm not saying it's wrong, just not sure it's a good idea either.
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    Betta losing color rapidly in sections

    The betta is a marble. If he is eating, and there is no sores, he's alright. If he is acting funny, it's not because he's changing colors. Marbles do that, just the way he did it. Some marbles go spotty, then get the color back. Then they lose it again.
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    Bettas in a Divided Tank

    They can see each other, and want to fight. Since they can't chew on the other betta, they chew on themselves. Some bettas chew their own tails when they have been carded for a few minutes. I can understand why these did , since they see each other all the time.
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    Having trouble with no bubble-nest?

    Kind of rude statements wasn't it? All he done was let the female and male interact for a couple minutes. Big deal. Maybe he should have been asked if he planned on breeding them before he was called stupid. Giving advice is one thing, but insulting someone, whether they know the proper way or...
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    Most Powerful Bacterial Infection Med EVER?

    heavy salt bath, followed by tetracycline
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    A Case of Fin Rot

    Just my opinion, but Melafix helps to heal, but doesn't cure the finrot. A salt bath, and meds for finrot should take care of it. The main thing is to keep treating for a few days, go the cycle of the med. I can't find neosulfex anymore. Iit was the best for finrot. A sulfate based med works...
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    Bettafix is actually 1/10 as strong as melafix. However, the directions for bettafix give dosages that are 10 times as much, to make up for it. it's the same. Thanks for replying, but could you tell us why you feel the melafix killed them? How long did you treat them? What was the symptoms...
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    Betta Website

    Jim Sonnier has one of the best sites for bettas. The very best information is on Dr. Gene Lucus's CD set from the IBC. It tells everything about care, genetics, food that you could ever want to know. The only thing missing is any new genetic combinations created since he wrote these articles.
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    female betta

    The first pic looks like a delta tail. The big difference in the 2 types of the edges and corners of the caudal. Notice the straight edges and sharp corners on the betta. All she needs to be a HM betta is for her caudal to spread enough that the 2 edges become a straight line, which...
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    Here's a reply from someone who is known in several circles for his knowledge about fish, meds, and chemicals. From: amanichen Sent: 1/7/2005 1:02 AM Basically, I've used it on tons of fish, fresh and marine. Yes, the stuff is a gill irritant, and yes, ODing it causes problems. At the...
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    I posted an article on another board, hoping for some answers to Melafix being too strong. I'll paste the post, and a few of the responses. If you want to add your opinion, feel free to do so. I am asking to make it an experienced opinion, and not just I think so, or someone told me it was. The...
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    finrot?? **added pics**

    It's not fin rot. The edges are too clean and straight, and it happened too fast. Either he caught it in the filter, or he chewed it himself. If you let him flare at another male, sometimes they get excited and chew their own tails. The salt would help, and I always use full strength Melafix...
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    second thoughts.....

    Thats not hardly fair. It seems all you want to do is advertise the fish on AB being sold by Thai breeders, by saying " hotdogs, peanuts, get them while they are hot." There are numerous breeders in the US and Canada who are very polite, reliable, and will give you all the background you need...
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    Betta Barracks Drip System

    It would be better, but if the water shuts off, the tank would drain and the betta dies. In the pic, they are using beanies. If you use glass tanks, It is very hard to drill holes in the bottom of tank, without breaking the glass. The tanks bottom glass is different than the sides. You have to...
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    Crawford has tail problems.

    Thats what it sounds like. He may have gotten tail in the intake. A salt treatment and then clean water with melafix should help.
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    fry has white film on pectoral fin

    Don't med the fry tank. Don't even salt it. Watch closely and remove anything that looks ill. The white film is probably a fungus. They get it from laying on the bottom of the tank. Use Maroxy to treat for the fungus. My fry have some salt in their water from the start, just as all my bettas do...
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    Betta and Filter

    You can also use clear packing tape to cover part of the slits in the pickup tube of the power filter. It slows the current very much. I use this method as well as sponge filters. Even with the tanks filtered, you should still change water often for healthier finnage.
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    second thoughts.....

    Here's the link to the breach of sale page. There is also another page that says the seller must identify himself as well.
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    Fungus breakout in the split tank

    You might want to use a med for fungus. Melafix works on minor bacterial infections, but not fungus. The salt is probably helping the most, but if fish are dying, I'd use some Maroxy or other fungus med.
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    Water change/amonia control questions

    It looks like you are doing fine on the water changes. The best to test your tanks each day..till you figure out when the first sign of ammonia starts to show. Then back off a day, and make sure you at least change it by then. It will vary somewhat between your readings and mine on the...
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    Cleaning a tank after dropsy

    1/10 bleach to water. Rinse well. Add extra de chlorine to tank water at first filling.
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    My male betta with babies!

    Thank you understand exactly. Sandusky..if you have the right to tell me to stop posting something, I should have the same right. If you noticed, right away someone said..ohhhh neat..I think I'll try it. Thats what happens when this stuff gets introduced to new breeders. Thats my...
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    White algae

    I get the same stuff on my airlines, etc. It is even on the airlines in the aging bin, with no light or fish, waste, etc. I believe it is minerals from the water. Snails work great for cleaning this up. Plecos will even eat it, as they eat more than just algae.
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    Plant tanks's frogbit. The roots on some are 10 inches long. I started with enough frogbit to cover the palm of my hand 4 weeks it has covered 1/2 of my 55 gal. It reproduces so fast. I have it in every tank with a light, and need to thin it out again in the 55. I contain it on one side...
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    light problem

    Thats 6 watts per gal. That is ok for some types of setups, but would be too much for some plants. 4 watts per gal will grow really well. At 6 watts per gal, it will not take long for the algae to overtake the tank. How long has the shark been in the tank? Normally a fish will get brighter...
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    My Plant tank

    Here's the right side.
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    My Plant tank

    Here's a close up of the left side.
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    My Plant tank

    Hello. I just moved my plants from 2-10's to a 55 gal. I have 5-40 watt flourescent bulbs over the tank. Flourite substrate, DIY co2 injection, and Tetra's FloraPride plant food. I am amased at the difference in the plants. It's like putting outside plants in a greenhouse..and feeding miracle...
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    Need some plant help!

    A friend of mine uses a bleach/water solution to clean his plants. He just rinses very good afterwards. This was the best way for him to get rid of hair algae as well. From what I have read, it takes 3-4 watts per gal to grow plants well. They will survive on less..but need more to flourish. If...
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    Mekong 35

    Cool pics BKK...I went to your site and looked around. Should be a good one. I was in a I didn't have time to join, but will try soon. I have come to like plakats very much. Hardy betta's with attitudes.
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    My male betta with babies!

    I'v read both of those in the past. Thats not research. There is nothing about the saliva being the mothers milk. My point is someone says you can do this, then someone says you can, and before long, rumors become the method. Bullcrap. Any ideas about how many fry have been eaten this way? It...
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    Hair Algae

    In regards to the timing on the lights, I read that to do that would cause the plants to suffer. The photosynthesis occurs at night, when the plants are no longer absorbing the light and co2. When they start to put off o2, it is after dark. Putting the plants on a schedule is very important. By...
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    Sick Betta

    Glad to hear it's doing better. :thumbs: