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  1. rictheredneck

    Starting New Tank.... Just A Few Questions

    i guess the bare minimum would be heater, powerheads, lighting, and a skimmer. i wouldnt bother with the live sand for the reason its not really that live after sitting in a bag in a warehouse for a period of time, just plain aragonite is what most people tend to go for. i would use that money...
  2. rictheredneck

    Soft, Blue Openings, Filters, And Spits Out Sand?

    dont thinks a blue sponge if its opening and closing. looks a lil like two things neither of them i know anything about - when it open it sorta looks like a tunicate dunno if they open and close and sorta looks like barnacles but your guess is as good as mine
  3. rictheredneck

    Questions On Starting A Marine Tank

    being tank reared i guess its what they were brought up on... just enrich it all with fish vits and garlic. still get live food every now and then just to mix their diet up.
  4. rictheredneck

    Questions On Starting A Marine Tank

    my in-law has a pair of seahorses in a nano and they are super easy to keep. just feed a mixture of foods brine shrimp mysis rotifers etc they dont need newly hatch brine shrimp but dwarf seahorses might. they are quite hardy with water parameters from what I've been told. they should be kept in...
  5. rictheredneck

    Powerhead Questions

    not really a specific way maybe one lower one higher just try and make sure there are no dead spots, if you have say 2 of the propeller types you should be fine. but say if you had a big clump of lr in a corner it might be beneficial to have a cheap ass power head placed behind it as long as you...
  6. rictheredneck

    Big Surprise

    Freshwater Aquariums For freshwater applications, using an R.O. unit will provide water without General Hardness (GH) or Carbonate Hardness (KH). This allows addition of trace elements and electrolytes to match the natural water conditions of the fish we keep. The removal of the KH allows use of...
  7. rictheredneck

    Big Surprise

    don't quote me on this because i know jack about fw but i do remember reading some members using ro water in their fw setups. all it is, is near h2o dunno if you will need to add stuff to it like us salties add a salt mix which includes a load of other crap in it beneficial to a our lil marine...
  8. rictheredneck

    Question About My Powerhead

    its a venturi its adds air into the flow. not such a good idea for inverts.
  9. rictheredneck

    Powerhead Questions

    i wouldn't really say its better, if the power heads you have got are positioned correctly and you don't have dead spots its not really better to have more doing the same job. all you have to do is make sure you don't have dead spots. the more power heads you have the less space there is to put...
  10. rictheredneck

    A Couple Of Quick Q's

    not alot of people like live sand usually because it isnt very live after been sitting around in a bag for ages just plain aragonite sand is what most people go for and in time it will turn live itself. edit - looks like im too slow lol
  11. rictheredneck

    How To Raise Copepod this might help a lil
  12. rictheredneck

    How To Raise Copepod

    google josh day
  13. rictheredneck

    Powerhead Questions

    i love the koralias, imo just 2 of them would suffice. the hydor koralia 2's turn over 600 ghp so 2 of them would give you 24 times turnover rate, thus in the event of one breaking down you would still have 12 times plus whatever you have from a skimmer/filter/sump etc, which would suffice for...
  14. rictheredneck

    Reef Powerhead?

    i swear by my hydor koralia... and yeah look at 20 - 30 times the tank volume, the koralia 4 with your sump pump would give you 27.75 times turn over rate. the koralia 3 with your sump pump would give you 23.375 times turn over rate.
  15. rictheredneck

    Most Expensive Fish Ever

    the abyss in stockport currently have black tangs in £250 thats about $500!
  16. rictheredneck

    Uk Online Shops

    thanx for the heads just wondering u get livestock or dry goods?
  17. rictheredneck

    Info On Marine Fish N Tank...

    the best starting point is reading the stickies at the top of the page, buying some book and getting the research under your belt. some of your questions are a lil vague like how much is salt? what do all the fish eat? if you still have questions ask on here good luck!
  18. rictheredneck

    Tmc V2 Skim Protein Skimmer

    no probs a member gave the link to me when i was setting up my 600. i like the results its giving but like you say setting it up isn't the easiest thing going. i have my pump with only two suckers on it so the outlet of it is facing up wards if you know what i mean, thus having a slighter angle...
  19. rictheredneck

    Tmc V2 Skim Protein Skimmer
  20. rictheredneck


    heheh been toying with the idea of an apadravya for years now. theres been a few things been putting me off though, the only real place where i would get it done you have to make an advanced booking to get the piercer there as its kinda a more advanced piercing to do. and i would love to be able...
  21. rictheredneck

    Tmc V2 Skim Protein Skimmer

    i have done the same it still works fine.
  22. rictheredneck

    My New Marine Tank Log.

    prob just needs running in
  23. rictheredneck


    i have/had a fair few over the years my fave was the septum which was stretched to 8mm but had to take it got due to sever hay fever. i had a 10mm pa a few years back apparently one of the biggest pa's in Britain at the time but took it out because the weight of the jewelry even though it was...
  24. rictheredneck

    Ammonia Serious Problem

    do a HUGE water change asap whilst your at it look for the missing fish and get it out if it dead.
  25. rictheredneck


    oh just another pointer is that i learned allot more from buying everything separately prob more that i would do with a plug and play system. not saying that they are no good or anything but its an easier route.
  26. rictheredneck

    Flow Rate

    no i got mine from lfs for £60 not too bad for the koralia 4. super impressed though you put your hand in and it doesn't feel powerful, (well doesn't to me cos I'm used to the cheaper type power heads with like a pin point nozzle) but everything in the tank is moving. obviously have know idea...
  27. rictheredneck

    Flow Rate

    is there such a thing as too much flow? obviously some live stock prefers allot and some a little. in my 310l i have a hydor koralia 4 at 4600 lph and a interpet phd 1 at 440 lph which is placed behind a big stack of lr which is also hiding my hob skimmer which the pump is also pulling water...
  28. rictheredneck

    Tomato And Percula Clowns?

    might sound simple but put the fish in the tank if its not working take it out...
  29. rictheredneck

    Osmotics Ro Unit

    thanx all!
  30. rictheredneck

    Just A Few Questions....

    just wondering have you bought your clam yet? obviously they suck up the calcium and i know you have been after one for a while...
  31. rictheredneck

    Tank Size

    System type Dimensions 152 x 61 x 61cm/60" x 24" x 24 Surface area 0.93 sqm/10.01 sq ft/ inches sq in Volume 566 l./125 gal. (149.52 US gal.) Probable volume 509 l./113 gal. (135 US gal.)
  32. rictheredneck

    Prepping For Saltwater..

    is that what i should be looking into? anyone know where to get them from in the uk? never seen them for sale you see. sorry to hi jack your thread :shifty:
  33. rictheredneck

    My New Marine Tank Log.

    cool good luck! finally get this skimmer running :fun: curious on its performance SkiFletch swears by them. like to know how you rate it.
  34. rictheredneck

    Live Tank Video Now

    geeky as hell but id stil do it lol :lol:
  35. rictheredneck

    My New Marine Tank Log.

    40 kgs is a good amount of lr for 130 litre, i have 27 kgs in my 310 litre and my levels are fine even with 2 fishes in albeit im gonna add more soon. there are alot of rule of thumbs about the amount of lr per litre. you sound like you have plenty thb. and whats the out come on the maxijet you...
  36. rictheredneck

    Osmotics Ro Unit

    312 l./69 gal. (82.42 US gal.) i was thinkning this one but let me know if im making a mistake....
  37. rictheredneck

    How Long Ut I Can Add Live Rock

    think im getting a lil confused here you say you have a flow rate of 880 lph 16 times the amount of the tank, that would make your tank 55l ish.. i presume its a juwel rekord 60? and you are after getting rid of 2 pumps one at 200 lph and one at 280 lph? thus bringing flow rate down too 400 lph...
  38. rictheredneck

    My New Marine Tank Log.

    Don't think you can get the aqua c remora here in the UK and for the price these are meant to be awesome hob skimmers, i was looking in to them before i bought my v2 600...
  39. rictheredneck

    My New Marine Tank Log.

    it says a max load of 45 watts which should be fine with a power head but it does not specify whether it is fused or not. I'd still suggest buying a UK maxi jet. you could sell the one you already have and use the proceeds...
  40. rictheredneck

    What Brand Of Skimmer?

    SkiFletch swears by them hes the guy to talk to about them...