
Here's an idea for you Catfish.... dermal anchors + screw-in rings = permanent pierced corset?
i have/had a fair few over the years my fave was the septum which was stretched to 8mm but had to take it got due to sever hay fever. i had a 10mm pa a few years back apparently one of the biggest pa's in Britain at the time but took it out because the weight of the jewelry even though it was hollowed out was very heavy and it started to grow out. i have had 2 frenulum ladders first one i took out cos it was a mess not looking neat and all crooked etc and the second one i got done a couple of weeks before i was on holiday and i lost several balls to the barbells when swimming and by the times i arrived back in the UK the offending piercings had healed. had a nip that has grown out a vertical and horizontal nip done cant remember why i took it out then i had them both done once again both behind the scar tissue thinking hopefully they wont grow out again but one was crooked so i took it out so down to the one nip. did my navel top and bottom which i took out for two at the top which got infected. had a few hafadas one was stretched to 10mm with a tunnel in which looked really cool but also lost that swimming on holiday. did the webbing in between my thumb and index finger only kept that i for a day it was unbelievably painful. had my tongue done but took that out as well cant remember why. guess thats about it...
i have/had a fair few over the years my fave was the septum which was stretched to 8mm but had to take it got due to sever hay fever. i had a 10mm pa a few years back apparently one of the biggest pa's in Britain at the time but took it out because the weight of the jewelry even though it was hollowed out was very heavy and it started to grow out. i have had 2 frenulum ladders first one i took out cos it was a mess not looking neat and all crooked etc and the second one i got done a couple of weeks before i was on holiday and i lost several balls to the barbells when swimming and by the times i arrived back in the UK the offending piercings had healed. had a nip that has grown out a vertical and horizontal nip done cant remember why i took it out then i had them both done once again both behind the scar tissue thinking hopefully they wont grow out again but one was crooked so i took it out so down to the one nip. did my navel top and bottom which i took out for two at the top which got infected. had a few hafadas one was stretched to 10mm with a tunnel in which looked really cool but also lost that swimming on holiday. did the webbing in between my thumb and index finger only kept that i for a day it was unbelievably painful. had my tongue done but took that out as well cant remember why. guess thats about it...

Wow a 10mm PA! Nice work! Same with the hafada! Maybe you should get an apadravya or ampallang...they wouldn't fall out or grow out :p Though all your piercings seem to have gone wrong in some way...and you wouldn't want those particular ones to go wrong that's for sure!

Have you got any piercings at the moment?
Oh dear lets hope my thread doesn't turn into a fight like a lot of other threads do over something not worth getting wound up about!

:lol: I wouldn't think so!! :) That image has been thrown around the internet for at least two years now!!

This is a pretty interesting thread!! :):) Has me contemplating another needle encounter!!
i have/had a fair few over the years my fave was the septum which was stretched to 8mm but had to take it got due to sever hay fever. i had a 10mm pa a few years back apparently one of the biggest pa's in Britain at the time but took it out because the weight of the jewelry even though it was hollowed out was very heavy and it started to grow out. i have had 2 frenulum ladders first one i took out cos it was a mess not looking neat and all crooked etc and the second one i got done a couple of weeks before i was on holiday and i lost several balls to the barbells when swimming and by the times i arrived back in the UK the offending piercings had healed. had a nip that has grown out a vertical and horizontal nip done cant remember why i took it out then i had them both done once again both behind the scar tissue thinking hopefully they wont grow out again but one was crooked so i took it out so down to the one nip. did my navel top and bottom which i took out for two at the top which got infected. had a few hafadas one was stretched to 10mm with a tunnel in which looked really cool but also lost that swimming on holiday. did the webbing in between my thumb and index finger only kept that i for a day it was unbelievably painful. had my tongue done but took that out as well cant remember why. guess thats about it...

Wow a 10mm PA! Nice work! Same with the hafada! Maybe you should get an apadravya or ampallang...they wouldn't fall out or grow out :p Though all your piercings seem to have gone wrong in some way...and you wouldn't want those particular ones to go wrong that's for sure!

Have you got any piercings at the moment?

heheh been toying with the idea of an apadravya for years now. theres been a few things been putting me off though, the only real place where i would get it done you have to make an advanced booking to get the piercer there as its kinda a more advanced piercing to do. and i would love to be able to stretch it up to flesh tunnel size but obviously you cant get the screw in end cap tunnels that long albeit i looked around recently. the jewelry company that i use used to make custom sizes ie bigger tunnels longer barbells etc but emphasis has changed to meet the market the catalog is full of lil sparkly things to hang from your naval and the other thing is having a gf. its kinda a single guys piercing with the healing times in between stretches.
the only hole i have jewelry in now is my nip. only for the reason that i dont have any jewelry the place where i order my stuff from started using a crappy courier company so if i miss the postman in the morning i have to take a long trip to pick it up from the depot rather than the royal mail depot half a mile away. i reckon i could easily get 6mm in ma pa and septum prob bout 4mm in the old stretched hafada, like say just dont have any jewelry. :-(

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