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  1. rictheredneck

    Red Sea Max Aqurium, New Set Up,

    whats the tds of your ro water if its good and so are all you other levels the best biologial warfare on hair algae is a sea hare imo but i'd tell your lfs that you are gonna bring it back in a few weeks sort of like a rent... when they have eaten everything they starve
  2. rictheredneck

    Tank Leveling

    mdf doesnt compress like wood...
  3. rictheredneck

    Metal Halide

    i have a 400w halide spanning a 4 foot tank mushrooms and softies either end and stony corals and clams nearer the middle. just a bit ugly though...
  4. rictheredneck

    Coral Food With Topup Ro Water

    how long are you goin away for? i have no worries about leaving my tank for 3/4 days, if it is just corals and a clam they should be fine for longer...
  5. rictheredneck

    Strange Algae And Air Bubbles

    its possible i guess but i think its more water in the pouches you get of live food in that are bad if you get what i mean, if you strain them i'd say you were pretty good... ive had cyno twice the first time i couldnt figure out how to get rid of it and had it for weeks because i didnt think...
  6. rictheredneck

    Strange Algae And Air Bubbles

    try turning your light off for a day or two, this works good for me! your corals will be fine, try and remove as much as you can physically before hand and also do you know the tds of your ro water, you say the filters were replaced 3 months ago, it could be that one was damaged...
  7. rictheredneck

    Ric The Redneck's Tank!

    cheers ski glad you like, i really want one with a black mantle but ive never seen one here in the uk. u get many over the pond?
  8. rictheredneck

    Soft Coral Lighting

    just a small halide on its own is enough, although i cant recommend any brands or models. how long is your tank? maybe...
  9. rictheredneck

    Ric The Redneck's Marine Tank

    video -
  10. rictheredneck

    Ric The Redneck's Tank!

    pics as promised!
  11. rictheredneck

    Will I Still Get Algae With No Light

    its possible from outside lights sources eg lamps etc also depends on your phosphate levels you could always stick a bin liner over it, but your live rock may have light hungry inverts on it so id get a light fairly soon...
  12. rictheredneck

    Soft Coral Lighting

    as in trachyphyllia? yes under 4 t5's but im unsure on power compacts...
  13. rictheredneck

    Soft Coral Lighting

    if it were me i'd go for 4 tubes with individual reflectors with a 50/50 split with acintics and white tubes, 2 of each. you could keep these softies with less light i guess but if it were me thats what i would get. edit: i see its a 10 gal 4 t5s would be over kill i thinks power compacts would...
  14. rictheredneck

    Scum On Sirface From Sand?

    could be upto and including a few days but i no idea how bad it is...
  15. rictheredneck

    Invert Population

    depends on what your looking at a messy mantis or a cleaner shrimp if you get the picture.
  16. rictheredneck

    Scum On Sirface From Sand?

    what has the tank got in it? i guess you could just aggitate it hope it rises to the surface, see what you skimmer coughs up, you could syphon a load of it out and clean it if you were ambitious.
  17. rictheredneck

    Scum On Sirface From Sand?

    always wash it unless its live sand, was it live sand?
  18. rictheredneck

    Scum On Sirface From Sand?

    did u clean if before you put it in? and 2 to 4" is a good depth
  19. rictheredneck

    Ric The Redneck's Tank!

    Jesus i haven't been on in ages had a tough time with the tank after pretty much losing everything we decided to move my girlfriends inhabitants into my tank her mum n dad were after re decorating their living room so with my new fish 15 chromis we added a powder blue, 6 line wrasse, 2...
  20. rictheredneck

    Red Sea Skimmer - Bubbles

    try pointing a powerhead at the surface to agitate the water...
  21. rictheredneck

    Blood Shrimp Or Coral Banded

    blood shrimp gets my vote
  22. rictheredneck

    Hi All New To Site And Heres My Tank!

    that isnt a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft tank just looks wise but earlier you said its volume was 200 ltrs 4x2x2 are about 400 ltrs...
  23. rictheredneck

    Bangaii Cardinal

    yeh it would be a shame...
  24. rictheredneck

    Bangaii Cardinal

    am i right in remembering that we are not gonna be able to buy wild bangaii cardinals soon? if so is there anybody out there captive breeding them on a larger scale like tmc do with clowns?
  25. rictheredneck

    Never Switching Lights Off Again

    oh right he said its been setup for 3 weeks and hes had the nem for 2 weeks further up the page...
  26. rictheredneck

    Never Switching Lights Off Again

    so let me get this right you put an anemone into a one week old nano with those light? whats your tanks capacity?
  27. rictheredneck

    Never Switching Lights Off Again

    what lights do you have? size of tank? how long has it been setup? what type of anemone is it?
  28. rictheredneck

    Tank Equipment - Lighting Help At The Moment!

    lol yeah i know but i kinda needed one there and then
  29. rictheredneck

    Juwel Trigon 350 Lighting?

    ahh thats pretty cool my gfs 240 had t8's nice upgrade!
  30. rictheredneck

    Tank Equipment - Lighting Help At The Moment!

    looks the same as my aqua medic one which was £50 go for it!
  31. rictheredneck

    Juwel Trigon 350 Lighting?

    its depends on what your after keeping? if its just fo or fowlr id stick with the ones you have got, i thought juwel tanks came with t8 tubes not t5? i might be wrong... if your looking at a mini reef your a lil bit snookered because your tank is triangular im not sure how easy it would be to...
  32. rictheredneck


    i think i heared from somewhere that that super glue cures with moisture rather than air. i use mitre bond at work (fitting kitchens) and its super glue but it comes with a spritzer that your spray and it bonds in seconds
  33. rictheredneck

    Aiptasia As A Useful Bio Filtration Method.

    apparently xenia is not bad for that so ive heared...
  34. rictheredneck

    New Marine Setup

    heheh good stuff welcome to the forum!
  35. rictheredneck

    Goby/pistol Shrimp

    sorry i was drunk last night im not much help at all...
  36. rictheredneck

    N1z's Marine Journal

    cheers skin and sorry niz for hijacking lol
  37. rictheredneck

    Lighting Schedules ?

    what lighting schedule do they have on the great barrier reef? well theres your answer..
  38. rictheredneck

    Goby/pistol Shrimp

    i wouldnt hook up with an ugly ass chick even though males and females humans are supposed to be attracted to each other. not all clowns adopt an anemone. you get the pic.
  39. rictheredneck

    New Marine Setup

    id say the med sea max is the best but build your tank your self dont be lazy you will learn tons more instead "this is the powerheads we recommend for this tank" choose your livestock and cater around them! there isnt a perfect reef ready tank out there too many variables, lighting flowrate...
  40. rictheredneck


    id still keep trying the trap though in diffrent places diffren bait, at night time aswell...