Lighting Schedules ?


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2007
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hi there,

im running 3 x 17 watt light tubes at the moment, t5 ( blue,white,yellow)

8 am - 8pm all 3 is switched on
8pm - 8am only the blue light is on

is that ok ? or should i go totally dark in the evenings ?
yeah, i'd go completely dark as well, also, you might find that leaving the lights on for a full 12 hours will increase algae growth. I leave mine on for 8 hours and then moonlights for the rest of the time.
so i even switch the blue one off at night ?

so i let all 3 run from 8 am to about 6 pm run the blue light till 9 or 10 pm then all off ?
i run a full 12 hours in both tanks , both go on at 8:30 am and both go off at 8:30 pm, dont see the point in having them if you cant see it when you come home from work. i have to say that moost of the coral is at its best at about 12:00 till about 3:00 though.
my nem doesnt like the complete darkness thing, will run the blue in the evening and all three in the day,.
sigh..... nems love a period of no light...... In the wild its short dawn period, long day period, short dusk period, long night period. Not long day period and huge dawn/dusk period..... Your probably just going to run into more problems.....

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