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  1. L


    :hi: to the forum! Im sure you'll meet loads more people who like plec's :D
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    New Peep!

    :hi: to the forum!
  3. L

    Kaine_2k has entered the building

    :hi: to the forum!! Im sure you'll find out everything you need to know about what kind of fish to have and just about anything else you need to know! :thumbs:
  4. L

    Hey all ya'll....

    :hi: to the forum :thumbs:
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    Very New!

    :hi: to the forum!!!
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    Best way to clean tank

    My tank is ready for a really good clean, just one small corner sometimes get some sunlight on it so algea is growing there, only now its getting a bit bad, so i wanted to know whats the best way to get it clean, like SUPER clean? I also though about adding some rocks, like just normal ones out...
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    Transportation of Fishie!

    Thanks everyone im gonna try n get a box and take them that way. thanks for the help, i'll let you know if they all make the move in april sometime! :thumbs:
  8. L

    I wish nature would take its course...

    awww dont worry, im sure he'll get better sometime! :unsure: *says a little prayer*
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    Transportation of Fishie!

    unfortunatly i have to move at the end of March, and im moving about 100miles away (about 2 hour car journey) would my fish be okay or would i be better off leaving them at my parents house? -_-
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    New here- not new to fish

    :hi: to the forum/madhouse :D :thumbs:
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    Very New!

    :hi: to the forum! or should it be :hi: to the mad house??? :D
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    I am new to fish

    :hi: to the forum. :thumbs:
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    :hi: to the forum :thumbs:
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    Howdy All

    :hi: to the forum :thumbs:
  15. L


    they are beautiful arent they? anyway, :hi: to the forum
  16. L

    Yes im a newb

    Im the same age as you! im gonna have nothing but fish tanks in my house :D yaaaayyy! :hi: to the forum :thumbs:
  17. L


    :hi: to the forum, im sure everyone will do there best to help you if you do have any problems! :thumbs:
  18. L

    Hiya everybody

    :hi: to the forum! :thumbs:
  19. L

    New Aquarium, New Fish, New here

    :hi: to the forum, im sure from now on look on here and see what are the best fish to have in you tank, because there are alot of people here to help you! :thumbs:
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    Hey welcome to the forum! :hi: :thumbs:
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    My name's rwcichlid, and I'm a fish addict

    Welcome to the fish addict club :) :hi: :thumbs:
  22. L


    Go onto "my controls" near the top of the page and when that page opens look on the left side for "update signature" or something like that! Welcome to the forum!! :hi: :thumbs:
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    Hi! :hi: :thumbs:
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    My poor cat

    awww poor kittie! hope it gets better soon :)
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    The New Double Tail

    thats a lovely fish, i didnt know that you could get ones that look like that! :)
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    a sad day

    Today i lost one of my fishies. it was my pearl gourami. im very sad that he's died because he was really pretty and cool. :( i think that he was sad because a while ago his little friend died, mister 3 spot gourami and he hasnt been the same since. and the thing that confused me the most was...
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    hello there

    WELCOME!! :thumbs:
  28. L

    Introducing..(drum roll)..

    i couldnt see the pics neither! :(
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    bored betta in 5gal

    aww isnt that sad, Elvis will be fine with some danios, and my gouramis love my little betta, they're buddies! I'm sure Elvis will be very happy when you get his new friends!! :D
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    Pearl Females

    this is a mad topic, all messed up n everything! i was only gonna say that Poju looks like my betta :D
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    Quick let get him!!

    i dont know what going on, some of the leopard danios are chasing one of the little zebra danios, they've never really been bothered before, and everyone has got on fine, but this morning they were chasing it like mad. does anyone know what this might be? :unsure:
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    my gouramis dont bother anyone, my golden just swims around on his own doing his own little thing. i too recently lost a gourami, my 3 spot one :rip: but none of mine were bullying. maybe you got a mad one??? :dunno:
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    Cat and dog. They love eachother

    are they cute!!! :D :wub:
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    goldfish got a pimple?

    one of my goldfish has a a big lump on it for years, she's ok, its never gotten bigger, and shes ok to make babys ever year, the little hussy!!!
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    Behavoir of Koi and Goldfish

    i think they're mad! Maybe one of the fishies wanted to play with the froggy and then the other fish saw that one playing and they all decided that it looked like fun and that they all wanted to do it ? Ive never seen fish do that. I used to have one koi that like to jump out of the water at...
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    Herons suck

    i helped my grandad with this pond and he had these massive koi carp type fishies and the stupid heron ate all 12 of them,:rip: they were really big as well, because we had looked after them for yearrrrss! Isnt it sad? we did have this net over the pond, but the heron got clever and found out...
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    ive got a lizard and the poor little dude is poorly. he has a MASSIVe lump on his little head, everyone says its a tumor, dont really know what to do about it. we've just left it because he seems okay, and he's still eating all his food but its growing. what does anyone think i should do? -_-
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    I love my kitties lots and my little kittie (Venus) loves me so much that she brought me a present this morning! a little mousey with all its guts hanging out...ewwwww! :sick: just wanted to post a topic about how much i love Venus and Milo, my little black and white cats! :wub: ;)