I wish nature would take its course...


Nov 27, 2003
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Some of you may now that Im having to deal with a bad case of dropsy and one of my betta's. I am sitting here surfing the web in tears. He looks like he is in so much pain, and there is nothing I can do about it. I just feel so bad. His pine-coning has gotten worse in the past couple of days. I started treatement of maracyn-2 friday night, and I know it's only been a couple of days, but it still sucks.

I could never bring myself to "put him down". I just don't have it in me. So please, just say a little prayer for him, and hopefully he will pace peacefully soon.

Thanks for listening,
Tiff :-(
If he really doesn't look like he will make it, you really should consider helping him on his way. Its hard I know, but you would feel better afterwards. I had to do this for the first time the other week. It sucks, but it really is the kindest thing.
I understand Tiff,

I am like that when I know a fish is going to die and they are trying to hang on.


I am so sorry to hear that your betta has got to this state. Poor guy.
Says a little fishy prayer,
To help your little fishy bear,
The dropsy that has swelled him so,
The love of him you only know,
May he get well his fins a flare,
May he flaunt the colors he wears,
And if he is not meant to stay,
May he not suffer, and be on his way.
:angel: :angel: :wub:
Same here Sumer...thank you very much.

The little guy is still hanging in there. He's still eating and swimming...tis why I can't bring myself to put him down. He still seems so full of life.

Thanks again.
Tiff :-(
You've done the best you could for him, now we'll just have to see whether he makes it. I'll pray for him :) **hugs**

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