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  1. Mogs26


    I don't know cos I'm a noob too, but that ammonia level doesn't seem good-can't understand why unless it's in the tap water. Are you cleaning your tubes and pipette with hot water and drying with kitchen towel? A murky tube can play havoc with readings too! Fingers crossed for your cycle Carole x
  2. Mogs26

    Should I Worry?

    Thank you-I rinse the filter/replace the floss every week-it's a trickle filter, so I hope it's ok. There isn't much squabbling going on thankfully, although the M/F ratio isn't great 6:5 Females to Males, Drobby advised it should be 2:1, but that if I have more girls than boys, it might be...
  3. Mogs26

    Should I Worry?

    Thank you I will do that-nobody else seems unhappy in there and he doesn't seem any worse atm-I hope its nothing more serious, as I have been really good with my tank maintenance!
  4. Mogs26

    Should I Worry?

    Hi This morning, one of my male rainbows seems to be breathing a bit fast-his red fins are a bit pale, but he's definitely not off his food, and there's no other symptoms. I do a head count every morning, and all seemed fine yesterday, so it's a recent thing. If it's a disease, I hope to catch...
  5. Mogs26

    [Sale] 7X/15X Amazon Frogbit Plants (1+ Inches In Diameter)

    I did indeed-quite surprising considering the state it was in-I managed to salvage a few tiny leaves which now have little roots-not big enough to be interesting to the rainbows-so safe for the minute!!!
  6. Mogs26


    Thanks llj-I will try to get some TPN regular or flourish (is that the excel?) then, and no I am not going planted :lol: Carole x
  7. Mogs26

    Oto Catfish In Biube?

    nope! My fish only want to eat the roots of the frogbit I just put in-no interest in algae-far too boring :lol:
  8. Mogs26

    A Noob Question....

    I have an air curtain-it's very pretty :rolleyes: -I don't need it-I have a trickle filter! The fish play in the bubbles-like Thorpe Park for fish :lol: I have the Hagen one-got it off ebay-it needs sinking every now and again, especially if I turn it up too high :rolleyes: !!! I use the tetra...
  9. Mogs26


    no not dense-I am not going planted remember :rolleyes: :lol: Ah yes-I remember it's YOUR fault llj! (btw the cup idea was great, but the rainbows just thought it was a great toy :rolleyes: )
  10. Mogs26


    Hi all Now, I told you I wasn't going planted right? Yeah right! I now have some java moss and some frogbit-(it started with long roots, but my raibows are rather partial to eating them :rolleyes: ) I have ordered some java fern and maybe some trident java fern (from this forum, which looks...
  11. Mogs26

    Oto Catfish In Biube?

    I can't get my bn until the summer-I can't wait, but will have to!
  12. Mogs26

    [For Sale] Trident Java Fern

    I would like some please as long as I don't need lots of ferts etc! If so, please pm your paypal addy Thanks Carole
  13. Mogs26

    Which Type Of Rasbora? Lighting And Stress

    I was going to say that! Re the white spot, I thought the same on one of mine many years ago, but in fact it was just the way the light caught the fins at times :rolleyes: Carole x
  14. Mogs26


    Thanks-she's a saluki collie cross-more pics on pet forum!
  15. Mogs26


    I always hold the test bottles against the card-I seem to remember reading that on here somewhere, but what I found was, if I test in artificial light it looks like I have ammonia. Someone said energy savinf bulbs and flourescent lighting affect the readings, but whatever my bulbs are, they do...
  16. Mogs26

    How Many People Keep Small Fish In A Big Tank?

    My tank is 215L and the biggest fish I have in it at the moment are the dwarf neon raibows. I am going to get a bn when the tank is matured and then he will hold the record :lol: Carole x
  17. Mogs26

    Oto Catfish In Biube?

    I had the intelli light and had terrible algae too lol! In fact I was grateful for the little snails that stowed away on the plants I bought as they kept it at bay!
  18. Mogs26

    Whiptail Plec

    :lol: Now I wish I'd placed a bet! :lol: Piccies please! He looks so lovely!
  19. Mogs26

    [Sale] 7X/15X Amazon Frogbit Plants (1+ Inches In Diameter)

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. Mogs26

    Whiptail Plec

    Lol We'll have to wait and see what moochy says about it, I read it that the whiptail cheered him up and his mate bought the gouramis for himself-I'm not laying bets on it though :lol:
  21. Mogs26

    Which Floating Plants

    Quickie update-the frogbit arrived in a complete state thanks to the mail, but I managed to salvage some, and some beautiful plants arrived today from the same guy, packaged the same way as the previous lot had been, before the mail steam rollered it :rolleyes: Anyway, I have tried various depth...
  22. Mogs26

    Whiptail Plec

    He looks lovely-would love to see a pic if you can get one when he is settled! Carl, did Moochy mean his friend had bought himself the gouramis?
  23. Mogs26

    What Are The Chances Of A Fish Jumping Out Of Tank...

    what a shame he didn't make it-I was hoping for a happy ending after your heroic rescue attempt! When I lived at home, my Dad heard a mouse inside a false wall. He actually cut a hole in the wall to get it out and had to put a new bit of skirting board on and redecorate and that was a pest, not...
  24. Mogs26

    [Sale] 7X/15X Amazon Frogbit Plants (1+ Inches In Diameter)

    woohoo-guess what arrived today? Yep a package with beautiful plants in it! Thank you-it makes me realise exactly what they should have looked like before! They arrived in an air pocket-the others looked like they had been steam rollered! These have incredibly long roots-the others had a max of...
  25. Mogs26

    Oto Catfish In Biube?

    Correct me if I am wrong, but the advice I was given when I had a biube was not so much to do with how sharp the media was, more that all the nasties are in it, and bottom feeders would get sick. My golden barbs used to root around in it, and never did themselves any harm, but I would worry...
  26. Mogs26

    Our Dog

    Thank you both-she's got fur like a cat-really soft, and a lovely temerament-we rescued her when she was 6 months old-she hadn't been mistreated, it was just that the family were splitting up-they were really keen that she went to a good home. She is very clever-she has the intelligence of a...
  27. Mogs26

    Going Out Of Town, Feeding Fish While Away?

    I was told that as I have a trickle filter that I should rinse the floss off once a week, and some people on here with the same tank as me replace it once a week. I never rinse the noodles, but if I left the floss without rinsing it would be gross-perhaps the OP has a similar type of filter?!
  28. Mogs26

    Going Out Of Town, Feeding Fish While Away?

    I tried the gel feeders (from P@H) and they say they don't stuff up your water parameters like the chalk ones (my water was fine)! The fish loved it and were fine when I got back-you can leave the pot in, but I took it out. I think it was made by tetra if my memory serves me right Carole x...
  29. Mogs26

    Our Dog

    Is a saluki collie (lurcher). She is 8 but behaves like a puppy-and thinks she's human :rolleyes: ! TFL My link My link My link In the one where she is wet, she was playing on the beach in the summer-burying a stone by pouncing on it and then frantically digging to find it again!
  30. Mogs26

    My New Shrimp Isnt Moving Or Eating...

    I might be totally wrong, but when I had a biube, I was advised not to have bottom feeding fish, etc, as all the rubbish collects in the bottom of the tank and they don't want to be eating all that-essentially a biube has an under gravel filter. Are shrimps bottom feeders? Sorry I don't know, as...
  31. Mogs26

    [Sale] 7X/15X Amazon Frogbit Plants (1+ Inches In Diameter)

    yes please!-now they have removed the long roots, they have lost interest :lol: and I am sure that the nitrates and ph have reduced by a tiny amount already-they are lovely-the rainbows agree-there was a near riot when one removed an entire juicy root and took it off to eat in a quiet corner!-He...
  32. Mogs26

    Pets At Home Cycling Advise

    If I spent as long in my lfs as I do reading on here, the neighbours would start talking, and I would probably be none the wiser! :lol:
  33. Mogs26

    Could I Keep Cories?

    Interesting! I don't have that high a water level in my last chamber, but I wonder whether it would go that high with media in it? Does it slow down the flow into the tank? I have replaced the missing harlequins today, so that I can prevarocate even longer, but I think that as my fish are...
  34. Mogs26

    Could I Keep Cories?

    Thanks Adrian-yes it's the AR 980! I would like to see a picture of your 4th chamber please :lol: Changing to substrate doesn't sound too bad, but as I have lots of fish in already, and 11 of them are jumpy rainbows, I would need to cover the bucket lol! I haven't noticed that the intake is...
  35. Mogs26

    Could I Keep Cories?

    Lol. No Frank, sorry I didn't mean it to sound like that! I meant that if they got sore barbels I would be sad that I had to rehome them :sad: I know that you of all people wouldn't tell me to actually sacrifice them lol!
  36. Mogs26

    Could I Keep Cories?

    I have been reading for hours on here again, considering changing the substrate to sand, as it definitely seems the best for cories, but my filter is a wet/dry trickle and its intake is quite close to the bottom. I think it might muck up the filter to change to sand-and I have nowhere sensible...
  37. Mogs26

    How To Make A Diy Python

    I did it-all by my self too! It did take a while to get it to syphon-I tried holding the pipe up and laying it down, when I had it draped over the living room door, there was some gurgling. I was about to give up and consign my contraption to the pile of hosepipe spares, I put it back on the...
  38. Mogs26

    Could I Keep Cories?

    Many thanks Frank-just the sort of help I needed Carole x
  39. Mogs26

    Could I Keep Cories?

    Thank's for the advice-what are the sort of species that might bulldoze my tank if I did decide to go ahead and try them? :blink: I have limited space available once I have topped up the little fish, but I have a bare area at the bottom of the tank-originally thought bn, but think cories look...
  40. Mogs26

    Could I Keep Cories?

    I have fishless cycled my tank-finished about 3 weeks ago. Stocklist and tank size as below. I will be upping the numbers of tetras and harlequins to 6 of each over the next few weeks. I have only just discovered cories, having seen them at the lfs-don't know why I didn't consider them before...