Oto Catfish In Biube?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 10, 2011
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Hi fish keepers. I have just read that a good algae eater might be a oto catfish. The trouble is the ceramic media in the biube is marble sized and is very sharp. I have been told and all ready know that you MUST not get bottom feeders as they will slice up their soft mouths on it. However, I have white pebbles at the bottom of my tank and have been told that they will swim around the whole tank. I really like the idea of one as it would be good to get rid of the orange algae by having a fish do it. Would it be all right to have one? The pebbles do not cover every inch of it so there is a bit of media here and there but the main algae problem is the sculpture which is very tall. Thanks in advance for any info.

P.S My present and future stocking would be 5 male guppies 1 oto catfish - (if possible) 6 neon tetras.
Correct me if I am wrong, but the advice I was given when I had a biube was not so much to do with how sharp the media was, more that all the nasties are in it, and bottom feeders would get sick. My golden barbs used to root around in it, and never did themselves any harm, but I would worry about those fish which are almost entirely bottom dwellers! Just my thoughts and someone will probably tell you different! Also remember that the biube's litreage is mostly in its height which is worth considering when thinking about what fish you can have- there isn't much swimming room. I kept the gold barbs, xray tetra and harlequin rasboro in mine, but never managed to keep guppies or neons, but that may just be me!
I keep guppy's in my biube and they seem all right. The oto catfish is not a entirely bottom feeder but I think I will wait for more reply s. The orange algae is getting much worse it is now on my plants ( fake ) and is all over the pebbles. As for the sculpture it is really taking a hold. It is worse affected because the light is right over it. I need to get some sort of algae eater or it is going to become out of hand. I just hope I will be able to get a group of these oto fish as they look the right fish for the job. Anyway thanks for all the helpful info.
wow, the strange thing is that my tank has been completely algae free since i got it but now there is suddenly lots of orange stuff growing on my bubble tube :crazy: i think you could keep a relatively small bottom dweller as long as you vacuum up the faeces and other nasties from the bottom

:good: good luck!

remember many catfish grow very large, be careful and do your research!
Thanks. I am getting a oto catfish group. Oto catfish only grow to 3cm so it should all right. Also ATK!!! do you have the LED intelligent light or do you have a Halogen one?
Thanks. I am getting a oto catfish group. Oto catfish only grow to 3cm so it should all right. Also ATK!!! do you have the LED intelligent light or do you have a Halogen one?
I had the intelli light and had terrible algae too lol! In fact I was grateful for the little snails that stowed away on the plants I bought as they kept it at bay!
Ahh, in my biOrb I have orange algae over my plants and pebbles, and get some green algae on the sides.
I bought one of the little green algae cleaners for the sides, and if I get really fed up with it I just take the plants and pebbles out and wash the algae off, but I don't really think it's necessary, since the fish in my tank seem to quite enjoy nibbling on it anyway ^_^
Hope that helps! :)
Ahh, in my biOrb I have orange algae over my plants and pebbles, and get some green algae on the sides.
I bought one of the little green algae cleaners for the sides, and if I get really fed up with it I just take the plants and pebbles out and wash the algae off, but I don't really think it's necessary, since the fish in my tank seem to quite enjoy nibbling on it anyway ^_^
Hope that helps! :)
nope! My fish only want to eat the roots of the frogbit I just put in-no interest in algae-far too boring :lol:
Yeah. Only 3 weeks in till I can get some! I have recently read that they need a filter of tank at least 6 months mature mine will be nine weeks when I will get them. Is this all right?

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