What Are The Chances Of A Fish Jumping Out Of Tank...

Lol awesome job, good help me if one of my neons jumps up i wouldnt even here it never mind see it haha...
thats gotta be like a 10 billion to 1 shot to jump into that hole!! hope he pulls through . if not then at least you know you did whatever necesary to give him his best chance
I hope it pulls through for you. When we moved my gourami decided to jump out of the bucket and flipped himself under the tank stand, at the back, about a foot in, and I had to drag him across the floor with my planty stick to get him out. He hid from me for 5 weeks, but he's fine again now, so hopefully you'll have the same luck *crosses fingers*
Its called sods law! LOL Well done on the rescue - you cant believe that they would even survive a fall like that!
Well the little guy didn't make it. Unsurprising really considering the amount of dust and rubbish behind that skirting board. Oh well, I genuinely couldn't have done anything more... I think I'll be cellotaping the hole over though. It just isn't worth the risk (however small, lol) of it happening again.
Well the little guy didn't make it. Unsurprising really considering the amount of dust and rubbish behind that skirting board. Oh well, I genuinely couldn't have done anything more... I think I'll be cellotaping the hole over though. It just isn't worth the risk (however small, lol) of it happening again.

Sorry to hear that! :-( least u did your best can't do anymore !
I had a neon tetra get too excited an jump out at feeding time, just landed on the lip of the tank so I flipped it back in.
before i joined the forum i bought 4x6 inch silver dollars and a 12 inch plec i took a big black bucket to transport we got there he said his wifes feeding his baby so do we mind if we stay out side so he took the bucket then seconds later came out with them must of caught them put them in a bucket then transfered we take two steps (had no cover) and out jumped a silver dollar on to the tarmac so picked him up and he lived for over a year after that when i took him fish store moral use a fish bag or get a cover :lol: :crazy:
I'm sorry he didn't make it; but you did your best and I'm sure he'd have appreciated it.

My female bettas must have all been kangaroos in previous lifes. I've had at least 3 of them on the floor (needless to say I have 2 nets RIGHT next to their tanks!)
Thing is, I reckon it'd have been fine if it'd just landed on the carpet. Cause the time from jumping to being back in water was only 30seconds top. So if it's jumped and landed on the carpet I'd have flipped it into a net and put it straight back in the tank. When it came out of the skirting board though... it literally looked like it has been covered in breadcrumbs or something... it was completely dry and caked up with dust n stuff. You know like when you get your hand/feet wet at the seaside then coat them in sand... it was a bit like that.

Oh well. I was always going to be planting the plants... and it's not something you can do with the tank lid on. N I think wripping part of the skirting board off and having it back in water with an airpump in around 30seconds is actually the most I could possibly do. lol.
what a shame he didn't make it-I was hoping for a happy ending after your heroic rescue attempt! When I lived at home, my Dad heard a mouse inside a false wall. He actually cut a hole in the wall to get it out and had to put a new bit of skirting board on and redecorate and that was a pest, not a pet!!!

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