[Sale] 7X/15X Amazon Frogbit Plants (1+ Inches In Diameter)

Hey, how many left? Could do with a few whilst the rest of my plants get established.

Hard to say. Bit like counting sheep! Should still have a few portions to spare. PM/email me your paypal details if interested.
Will post existing requests to folk next Monday/Tuesday and then decide whether I can continue.

i'll take a couple of portions if any left-thanks

Send me your paypal details and I'll generate a payment request. Thanks.
fish-face, on 13 January 2011 - 02:23 AM, said:

i'll take a couple of portions if any left-thanks

Send me your paypal details and I'll generate a payment request. Thanks

I have floated the bits of salvaged ones in some tank water on my table and they look as if they are perking up a little-I think I can see new green shoots and sturdier roots, :blink: so fingers crossed! I am looking forward to getting the next lot now, and if I have too many I have a hard-up nephew who will be pleased to help me out!!!
Carole x
I have floated the bits of salvaged ones in some tank water on my table and they look as if they are perking up a little-I think I can see new green shoots and sturdier roots, :blink: so fingers crossed! I am looking forward to getting the next lot now, and if I have too many I have a hard-up nephew who will be pleased to help me out!!!
Carole x
I have now put a couple of the salvaged leaves in the tank-they definitely have new leaves growing on the side. Only one problem, my dwarf neons decided that it was too interesting to ignore, and after following llj's advice about using the cup lip to contain plants, I placed the best looking single leaf in the water only for the rainbow to pull it down and rip the root off! :no: So it's back in the hospital bowl to see if it can be rescued again lol!!!
... I placed the best looking single leaf in the water only for the rainbow to pull it down and rip the root off! :no: So it's back in the hospital bowl to see if it can be rescued again lol!!!

Some fish do like to nibble on the Amazon Frogbit roots! You should be ok as long as the leaves are left alone.
yes please!-now they have removed the long roots, they have lost interest :lol: and I am sure that the nitrates and ph have reduced by a tiny amount already-they are lovely-the rainbows agree-there was a near riot when one removed an entire juicy root and took it off to eat in a quiet corner!-He won! The less healthy leaves are in the hospital bowl and looking ok-we'll see how they go-added some fish food to give them some nutrients so fingers crossed-flippin RM grrrrrrr! As I said I have a hard up nephew who will have some plants from me if I have too many!
woohoo-guess what arrived today? Yep a package with beautiful plants in it! Thank you-it makes me realise exactly what they should have looked like before! They arrived in an air pocket-the others looked like they had been steam rollered! These have incredibly long roots-the others had a max of 1" (until the rainbows ate them!)and the rest were mush. These are now in my tank, with the ones I rescued form the last batch, which have perked up and now have new leaves. I abandoned the cup idea, as the rainbows kept pulling it down and I kept finding it hanging on my silk plants :shout: I will just have to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't take over completely! Like I said though I have a hard-up nephew whose fish might like to eat them too :rolleyes: !!!!
Thanks again-they are lovely!
Carole x
woohoo-guess what arrived today? Yep a package with beautiful plants in it! Thank you-it makes me realise exactly what they should have looked like before! They arrived in an air pocket-the others looked like they had been steam rollered! These have incredibly long roots-the others had a max of 1" (until the rainbows ate them!)and the rest were mush. These are now in my tank, with the ones I rescued form the last batch, which have perked up and now have new leaves. I abandoned the cup idea, as the rainbows kept pulling it down and I kept finding it hanging on my silk plants :shout: I will just have to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't take over completely! Like I said though I have a hard-up nephew whose fish might like to eat them too :rolleyes: !!!!
Thanks again-they are lovely!
Carole x

Brilliant!!! It's so good of the Royal Mail to actually deliver our post.
Sadly mine never arrived :(

The postal service in Edinburgh has been dreadful ever since the snows before Christmas, you'd think they'd have been able to sort it out by now.
Sadly mine never arrived :(

The postal service in Edinburgh has been dreadful ever since the snows before Christmas, you'd think they'd have been able to sort it out by now.

Oh dear. Very sorry to hear that. Royal Mail has become a bit of a joke of late. You must have got an email from paypal when the postage label for the plants was created. Posted it off the very next day (must have been Jan 17th), so its been a while. It'll probably arrive at your end in a few days in an almost petrified state. Think Mogs26 managed to revive a few that arrived late for her so you might also want to give it a shot.

Otherwise, guess we can try again when I've got more Amazon Frogbit to let go. Shall send you a paypal invoice then. Will probably be in a couple of weeks or so - hopefully Royal Mail will have got their act together by then (although I wouldn't hold my breath!).

Could you let me know if/when you have more of this for sale please? :)


Shall do ;)

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