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  1. little_mermaid

    Need Help Identifying Fish

    that's what I thought! thanks so much!
  2. little_mermaid

    Need Help Identifying Fish

    Hey everyone - it's been awhile since I've been on here... Anyways, I've got a 37 gallon tank with 3 cichlids so far: a firemouth cichlid, blood parrot cichlid, and well, I forgot what other one is called. I know it's a semi-aggressive cichlid: it looks silver with 2 black spots. There's a spot...
  3. little_mermaid

    What Can I Put In A 10 Gallon Tank?

    Hey Everyone, It has been awhile since I have posted on here...but I am looking to get some new fish or a single fish to put in my 10-Gallon tank. What fish(es), according to size, would be appropriate for such a tank? I used to have a Betta Sorority, but I am not doing that again! I am left...
  4. little_mermaid

    Old Betta Questions

    My little sister has a male VT Betta (Marcus) of about 2 years, which I know in some cases is not very old, and he's lived in a bowl his whole life- I am not gonna lie, my little sister has not always done a good job at keeping it clean, and he's kept in the bathroom so who know's how much hair...
  5. little_mermaid

    Escape Artists?

    My 3 gals for the most part have gotten along pretty well, but there is occassional bitchiness. Lately though, Patsy, the smallest has been picking on Dolly and I put Patsy in the fry net until Dolly heals up. Also, I will be adding a 4th female soon and I am going to re-arrange the tank...
  6. little_mermaid

    Post A Picture Of Your Betta Tank!

    Yeah that's what I was wondering too!
  7. little_mermaid

    Mango Has Had The Decorators In

    lol cute post :good:
  8. little_mermaid

    I Think I Have Solved The Problem!

    Same here :rolleyes: :P Filter sponge?
  9. little_mermaid

    I Think I Have Solved The Problem!

    Oh so £2 would be about $3?
  10. little_mermaid


    I didn't know you could buy fish off ebay! :hyper: But then again you can buy pretty much anything off there! :lol: hmm I need to have a looksie :P
  11. little_mermaid

    I Think I Have Solved The Problem!

    LOL I don't really understand the difference between our money :blush: But that sounds good! :D
  12. little_mermaid

    I Really Want A Betta!

    A 2.5-gallon they say is the minimum...though some people would differ. I have one of my males in a rather large vase...I am not sure how many gallons it is, but he seems to be content. There is no heater, but he is kept in my room which is always usually pretty warm anyways...
  13. little_mermaid

    I Think I Have Solved The Problem!

    Okay thanks ya'll...I am going to the LPS tonight so I shall have a look! :good:
  14. little_mermaid

    I Think I Have Solved The Problem!

    What kind do you recommend? How much are they?
  15. little_mermaid

    Jumped - Please Help

    Oh my that's just horrible! I am SO sorry! *hugs*
  16. little_mermaid

    I Think I Have Solved The Problem!

    I've been keeping Cowboy in my Eclipse 3-gallon aquarium, and I took out that sharp looking plant which looked to be ripping his fins (least I thought so and others on here), and well, when I thought his fins were healing, a big chunk was lost from his tail :no: I got two more Bettas the other...
  17. little_mermaid

    Leo Has Gone

    Sorry for your loss too *hugs*
  18. little_mermaid

    Rip Myst

    What a pretty little gal she was! I am so sorry *hugs*
  19. little_mermaid

    Post A Picture Of Your Betta Tank!

    Some of the plants are real, others are not, but thanks! :D
  20. little_mermaid

    Quick! Help Please!

    Oh geez that's what I was afraid of :crazy: Any other opinions? I wish I had a hose in my room.
  21. little_mermaid

    Quick! Help Please!

    So I accidently dumped 1 TABLESPOON of Melafix instead of 1 TEASPOON into my 10-gallon I need to fix the water or do you think it will be okay/safe?
  22. little_mermaid

    Friday A Few Days Later

    None of the pics are showing up :(
  23. little_mermaid

    Post A Picture Of Your Betta Tank!

    Here's a pic of my gals' 10-gallon tank:
  24. little_mermaid

    Wish Me Luck!

    Yay! :yahoo: Well that's'll give me enough time to save up ;) Christmas is just around the corner :P But please keep us updated with info and pics! :D Best of luck! :good:
  25. little_mermaid

    How Local Wal Mart Takes Care Of Bettas

    Yeah for real...where's your Wal-Mart at? :drool: My Wal-Mart just keeps them in little cups with nasty, dirty water :X Are you kidding me? Why would they keep Bettas in such containers with little to almost no water? What the heck? :no:
  26. little_mermaid

    How Local Wal Mart Takes Care Of Bettas

    Ugh even though I love gosh the Bettas that are sold there are in disgusting containers. And they're either sick looking or on the verge of death or already dead :no: I also despise Petco...not to bash companies on here, but their Bettas are never kept in the greatest condition...
  27. little_mermaid

    Quarantining New Betta Gal

    Well actually...the three Betta gals that I have together get along just fine...sOoOo it really does depend on their personalities...I used to have a grand total of five and that was a complete nightmare. The two new gals that I had added tore up my three gals- and the one ended up getting sick...
  28. little_mermaid

    2 Fish.. None..

    well dang that's a good idea! :good:
  29. little_mermaid

    Wish Me Luck!

    Oh my gosh I am in love with your male! And you live in the US! Do you think I could have dibs on some of your fry?! *a male and female* & yes please post more pics!
  30. little_mermaid

    Some Hms

    What stunners you got there! :drool:
  31. little_mermaid

    2 Fish.. None..

    Oh that's horrific :no: I am so sorry!'d they get stuck in the filter though? Unless the safety cap fell off of course...the one in the pic looks like mine :crazy:
  32. little_mermaid

    Quarantining New Betta Gal

    Yeah that's what I meant :nod: And I'll definitely post pics of the gals soon! I posted some a little while back, but it's time for some sharing of recent pics! :D
  33. little_mermaid

    Quarantining New Betta Gal

    Yeah I will be doing that. And I will add her first to the tank then the others in order of who's boss.
  34. little_mermaid


    I keep one of my males in a 3-gallon too and he's happy as can be!
  35. little_mermaid

    2 New Female Bettas

    WOWzers they look exactly what Kacie (RIP) and Brodie (gave to my grandparents) look like! They're adorable! :wub:
  36. little_mermaid

    Quarantining New Betta Gal

    Well she's just in a small bowl for right now...but thanks ya'll for responding! And I'll try and get some pics soon! :nod:
  37. little_mermaid

    Quarantining New Betta Gal

  38. little_mermaid

    Quarantining New Betta Gal

    I got another Betta gal yesterday and I am going to be putting her with my three other gals in my long should I quarantine her for? The LPS store where I got her is where I got my other Bettas...and the Bettas they sell there are, for the most part, in good condition...but I want to...
  39. little_mermaid

    2 New Female Bettas

    Congrats! Can't wait to see pics!
  40. little_mermaid

    Bling's New Setup

    Love the horse! Where'd you get it?!