I Think I Have Solved The Problem!


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2008
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I've been keeping Cowboy in my Eclipse 3-gallon aquarium, and I took out that sharp looking plant which looked to be ripping his fins (least I thought so and others on here), and well, when I thought his fins were healing, a big chunk was lost from his tail :no:
I got two more Bettas the other day (a male crowntail (my first!) and a female after I saw the movie "Twilight" (of course I named them Edward and Bella :D)...anyways, I bought a huge vase for Edward and put Bella in a temp. bowl for quarantining until I move her to the sorority tank with my three other gals...OKAY stay with me I am getting to the issue...well Edward wasn't eating and was acting all scared so I decided to switch Cowboy and Edward from their setups (yes, I cleaned the setups before I did this), and they both seem quite content as of now. Cowboy doesn't seem to mind his spacey vase (will post pics in a bit). BUT I was watching Edward earlier today and it looked like his fins were stuck in the filter! :crazy: He was trying to move forward but was having a difficult time...finally he got loose but oh my, this concerns me. Maybe this is what happend to Cowboy? I've only kept females in there before Cowboy and Edward and they had no problems (they loved the tank). So I am maybe thinking that my boys would be better off in large vases than the tank...they have such large, pretty tails and I don't want them to get shredded up or for them to get stuck! WHEW! Big vent- if you want to call it that? ;)
I don't know how much sponge filters are in the US but a basic one plus the airpump and airstone to power it shouldn't cost more than £20 over here. Less that that probably.

Sponge filters are used in fry tanks by breeders, because fry can get sucked into normal filters very much like your bettas tail. Since the sponge filter itself is a bare sponge with no casing, there's nothing to get trapped in and so they are very gentle and safe for a betta. I shouldn't think you would have to pay too much for one.
Okay thanks ya'll...I am going to the LPS tonight so I shall have a look! :good:

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