Quick! Help Please!


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2008
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So I accidently dumped 1 TABLESPOON of Melafix instead of 1 TEASPOON into my 10-gallon tank...UGH...do I need to fix the water or do you think it will be okay/safe?
So I accidently dumped 1 TABLESPOON of Melafix instead of 1 TEASPOON into my 10-gallon tank...UGH...do I need to fix the water or do you think it will be okay/safe?

Just took a look at the bottle and it says its all natural so I wouldn't think it would hurt anything. However to be on the safe side you may want to do a huge water change.
So I accidently dumped 1 TABLESPOON of Melafix instead of 1 TEASPOON into my 10-gallon tank...UGH...do I need to fix the water or do you think it will be okay/safe?

Just took a look at the bottle and it says its all natural so I wouldn't think it would hurt anything. However to be on the safe side you may want to do a huge water change.

Oh geez that's what I was afraid of :crazy: Any other opinions? I wish I had a hose in my room.
A 50% water change should turn a tablespoon into a teaspoon, or close enough for aquatic uses.

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