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  1. monica

    Breeding/ Co-existing?

    Yes. Though, it is a bit odd to watch them just living together... I did condition them though...
  2. monica

    Funny Things Your Livebeareers Do

    Well Here you post all of the funny stories, or things that your livebeareres do. I will start... My female MM platy; Minnie, always blows bubbles onto my finger when I put it in. She loves to swim vertically with her mouth on the top, sucking in and blowing out. It is the same with food... So...
  3. monica

    New Guppies

    almost looks like a guppy X Swordtail... But I don't think that is possible. :?
  4. monica

    Breeding/ Co-existing?

    Well this is the story... I went out and bought male and female bettas. I had tried breeding before, but it didn't work with both of the couples, and even with other females, I never seemed to get it right... (although I did research and follow all the rules) The females never seemed to be in...
  5. monica


    I have had my male and female bettas together for a couple days now... at first, the male chased, but never nipped except maybe once (when he just couldn't help himself) He just poses, doesn't want to fisght, or make her scared really, but she is. So when he saw her afraid, he sort of gave up...
  6. monica

    Does Anyone Know There Betta Personalities

    Tariq (Sher Dil) is quite laid back, and enjoys cruising and wriggling around his bowl, and every time I walk into the room, he races to the front of the tank to say hi, then when I look into the tank, he gets nervous and wriggles his little body to the back. Quite a show off to my girl...
  7. monica


    Sounds quite cruel to me. Pooooooor fishy... :sad:
  8. monica

    How Fat...

    Could anyone provide pics... I would like to know what size you breed your betas at. I was told by one site, "make sure they are not too full of eggs, or the male will not be able to wrap himself around" Then another said that" You should see her filled up with eggs, so you can almost see them...
  9. monica

    Swapping Bettas

    Great idea!! Though my last breeding didn't work out, I am hoping this on will!!
  10. monica

    After A Trip To The Lfs...

    Thanks everyone!! She is beginning to show vertical bars now :D The horizontal came due to stress. And when I showed her to my 2 males, the the males had good reactions to her, and she had a pretty good reaction to them. I do not plan on breeding at all for a long while... And I don't know if I...
  11. monica


    oooh gosh... While looking through the fry tankkk... I found 1 baby that had a naturally open mouth. Its bottom jaw stay open, and it is a little pointed from what I can see (the fry are still fairly teensy) What could be wrong? And is it fixible? Wondering... Could it have been caused from...
  12. monica

    After A Trip To The Lfs...

    thanks everyone!! I really like him aswell :D
  13. monica

    Blocked From Alb Site?

    happened to me too :(
  14. monica

    After A Trip To The Lfs...

    I ended up coming home with a female betta, and a CT male, as well as a 5.5 gall tank.... They are my newest, and my Tariq is enjoying displaying himself to my new female. And of course, he is flaring away at the new male :D So I know you ant pictures :D Here they are: Poseidon: Tariq and...
  15. monica


    Well thank you for the replies. Though he does not seem to be troubled on the finding food area... he seems okay getting food... I was just wondering about the breeding situation?? (as posted on first post)
  16. monica

    Feeding You Betta

    My Beuatiful boy gets pellets, and every few days he gets brine shrimp. And every once in a blue moon, I give him cucumber. I actually gave him some just a couple days ago :D I also do partial water changes like once a week.
  17. monica


    Yes... Well I recently had a batch of eleven fry, and as I was watching them all swimming today, I notcied that one had a curved back. Its heaad and belly are in the front, then its tail sticks straight up like a helicopter. I have never really had a deformity in a fish, so I am assuming I wont...
  18. monica

    Females Kept Like Males?

    Sorry to make that unclear lol. I am so used to breeding guppies. I mean after she spawns with the male, and he has chased her off. How long can I keep her like that?
  19. monica

    Females Kept Like Males?

    Could female bettas be kept like male bettas? Like without filtration and such? I have never tried, but was wondeering if after she delivered fry if the fry could use her tank, and I could move her to another w/o a filter/ heater (though I keep the room at a very warm temp.) Thanks in Advance...
  20. monica

    What Would Happen...

    Okay great! Thanks!! Actually I was hoping to breed Tariq, but considering he is a VT, I am thinking again... I do want to find good homes for them all, and I understand the problem with so many VTs... I think I will just go get another pair of CTs... If I can find anything nice...
  21. monica

    New Additions

    *bumps in* I am Canadian aswell :D
  22. monica

    What Would Happen...

    Oh okay... But from what I searched up on Combtails... They looked beautiful from pictures... Almost like CTs except the little pokes are a bit shorter... Like look at this one..
  23. monica

    What Would Happen...

    What would happen if you mixed a VT male with a CT female?? Would te come out half VT have CT?
  24. monica

    How Long Till They Spawn?

    I would say both within the next few days. My gups like to drop overnight though, so I almost miss the bus because it takes so long to catch em all.
  25. monica

    Fry Question

    yep. Def. let her breed in the main tank, as long as you have vegetation in there :D Some will survive. Especially if you check your tank multiple times daily. You should spot them, and have enough time to transfer them into your fry tank.
  26. monica

    What Do Your Bettas Do?

    Mine likes to swim around. And when he sees me come into the room, he paces around until I approach the tank, then he hides. lol He is really shy, and if I put my finger up to the front, he shies away. Though he is an avid bubble-nest maker lol.
  27. monica

    My First Betta

    I have found danios to work out with bettas, but that is only my experience... I think your tank is big enough for the betta to get quite a bit of alone time :D
  28. monica

    Female Making A Bubble Nest?

    Careful... You MIGHT end up with a few more fish than you bargained for.... But it could also be that the female lays her own unfertile eggs, (some eat them, others put them into the bubble nest) But when they don't hatch, she will eat them all. Another possibility is that your Female (?) Lays...
  29. monica

    Can Platy And Guppy Male Be Gay?

    Yes, some males do not understand the concept of mating. Usually when they were not around females during their vhildhood. My male is not too excited about any of my female guppies... but who knows.
  30. monica

    My Babies

    Yes. They are very cute. I myself have only ever had guppy fry, but I have been trying for betta fry qith quite a few couples...
  31. monica

    New Betta

    Awww, thanks!!! :)
  32. monica

    Indian Almond Leaves

    Whyat is lfs?
  33. monica

    New Betta

    Thanks for all of your comments!! And Devon, I think a lot of people just dont really breed for colours, more they breed for lots of fry. So There are lots of mixtures. I always find them neat.
  34. monica

    Anybody Tell?

    Oh okay!! Thanks a bunch, DevUK! You have helped quite a bit!
  35. monica

    Anybody Tell?

    oh okay thanks!! The thing is... a lot of the plant pieces got sucked into my filter, and they are clogging... Can I just undo a filter and clear it out? Then put it back together?
  36. monica

    Anybody Tell?

    I actually have a bare-bottomed :blush: I dont like to use gravel and such because I know that fry can get stuck in gravel, and I know that sand makes your water cloudy... And basically I find that bare-bottom is very easy to clean :D
  37. monica

    Anybody Tell?

    How do I re-plant it? I know when I bought it they kept it in a little sponsge thing wrapped with a metal clip thing, but I dont know if I can do that... Is there a better way?
  38. monica

    Anybody Tell?

    Thanks!! I keep it in with some guppy fry and my guppies and platies, and also in with one of my bettas, though only one stem. They seem to enjoy it. I just bought a big bunch with like 6 stems in it, and I split it up so I have 3 stems in my community tank, 1 in my betta tank, and 2 in my fry tank.
  39. monica

    Anybody Tell?

    Can anyone tell me what kind of plant this is? Not the fake, but the one that is growing in 2 sprouts there With a little more on the left. Let me know if you want me to add an arrow.
  40. monica

    Grow Out "pond"

    I like the idea! You might need a cover though, so the babies dont get pneumonia when they take their first breath.