New Betta


Fish Addict
Jul 30, 2007
Reaction score
Hiding behind the aqautic plants.
Well it had been awhile since I had my last betta die. And I have been longing to buy one for the last while, but my guppies were keepijng me busy :) Suddenly my hunger for bettas took its toll lol. While I was at walmart buying a new filter pad, I saw him. He was flaring at his neighbor, and with so little water in his container, he would barely turn, or spread his fins :( It sort of makes me disgusted the way they keep their fish. I saw a dead on floating in a tank! And they give their fish huge splurges of food every once in a while... So I took him home. I moved him into a 1 gallon bowl (I think it is 1 gallon, might be more, but not less) on the second day. And to my surprise and utter satisfaction, he built a bubble nest that very night. He is widening it a bit every day :)

He loves the swimming space and his live floating plant, and he keeps himself busy tending to his bubble nest. When he streches out his fins they are beatiful, purple and red with a bit of white on the ends. These pictures tinge him a bit blue, but that is my camera. I named him Tariq Cher Dil ( I know, it is long) Tariq from one book that I recently read, and Cher Dil means Lion Heart. (from a different book I read).

Here are some pictures, hope you enjoy, and I look forward to some comments on this guy. :D



where are all these pretty colours coming from, i never see unusual ones like this. He is a lovely boy, good find
Thanks for all of your comments!! And Devon, I think a lot of people just dont really breed for colours, more they breed for lots of fry. So There are lots of mixtures. I always find them neat.
He's a stunner and has a fabulous name too!x

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