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  1. C

    New Fry

    any suggestions, they only fight a little bit now, but soon they'll be killing each other
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    Need Help Choosing A Tank Cleaner

    Nurglepuss OMG I had to compose myself before writing this, that was hillarious haha xD and thanks a lot every1, went to lfs, and they give me algea eaters. They're so interesting and look like sharks :D yeah!!!
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    Need Help Choosing A Tank Cleaner

    I really only want one, that is a comunity fish and easy to keep thanks :) Chob
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    New Fry

    Just like to say now that my beuties are big enough to roam around like they own the place, 7 survived woop :D i got 3 boys one is ABSOLUTELY (as in already more colourful than the dad) amazing, the other 2 have amazing colours also but late bloomers, what should I do about the other 2 ??? the...
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    New Fry

    u mean keep em in a small box for 2 months :o !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    New Fry

    ok thx alot, how should i know when to take them out ???
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    New Fry

    ok, so i dont know wether it was my swordtail or guppy (this would be lil guppies 1st batch) who have had fry and around 10 are alive now, every other time my fry have died, i dont know how, but it always happens. Anyway, want to know any tips on keeping them alive. Plus a few have been eaten i...
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    55l Tank

    wna add some platies a cory n some guppies
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    55l Tank

    got 1 rainbowshark 1 female guppy 3 corys 2 neons
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    :'( ! Bronze Cory

    'sniff' it cant swim, it some times tries but it just fails, now my albino cory will have no friend, it doesnt shoal with my spotted corys. :'( Its sad watching, should I try and save it or let nature take its place ?
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    Silver Tipped Tetras

    yeh, theyre really nice, but they stick in a pack pwning all my others :P
  12. C

    Silver Tipped Tetras

    :D thx mewmew 1 has 1 eye lol, u think they'll actually take em back ? liverpool mokey :)
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    Silver Tipped Tetras

    any 1 ?
  14. C

    Silver Tipped Tetras

    I have 11 of them and now ive added another 6 to my 5 they rule and ruin my tank and i want to get rid of them. What should i do ? any idea much appreciated Chob :)
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    1st Betta :d Red Vt

    no sorry
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    1st Betta :d Red Vt

    if no one knows, does any 1 no a betta expert who i can PM ?
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    1st Betta :d Red Vt

    i never understood how people became soo attatched to their bettas but now i see at 1st he was flaring if anything came close to him. however now he shoals with the tetras haha not joking, he actually has a personality (my fave fish now) ive hadhim for 2 days now, he tries to eat floating pieces...
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    Some 1 Plz Help

    they all have slits in, is it fighting ? plus 1 day some have white spot, the next day its gone plus my gourami keeps having fits
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    Some 1 Help

    male has got a big slit in its tail and female has a white dot on her taail, which now has a slit in will this heal like a bettas ?? and can any 1 give advice and show pics of best corys plz
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    20 Gallon Guppy Tank

    why would you be killed if u got an albino ? theyre amazing
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    My Poor Guppy Tale

    will it heal ?? its tail is really wide and reflects alot when it swims. its a moscow blue
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    I Hate ... ?

    why do ppl hate guppies !?! i hate zebras, all they do is fight each other
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    Pain In The Butt Shark!

    sorry, but they get bigger and aggresive, btw what size is your mums tank and how old is her shark ?
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    Rainbow Shark

    she had 1 for 7 years, this is he story He use to groom his friend CC, a big channel cat fish, who passed away a few years ago. They were inseparatable. These rainbow sharks make good pets. she was telling me how they would fight together in brawls and stuff, so why does mine simply bully all...
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    Is There Any Fish That Keep The Peace ?

    i dont no if its by mistake, its an albino, it just buts everything anyway but if u do have or no of any peacekeeper fish plz say
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    Saphire - Newer Pics

    oh thts good how much is like a 200gal tank ?
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    Saphire - Newer Pics

    kk and what is 3-5g in litres ?
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    Saphire - Newer Pics

    wow nice, do bettas take alot of room and need heating n stuff ? an is it a bad idea putting one in a community tank ?
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    Saphire - Newer Pics

    nice, ur parents let u hav sevral tanks ? :P
  30. C

    Monthly Guppy Photo Competition!

    its bigger than 100k :( sorry but ive found a link tht looks identical if u wna see my male guppy which rapes every fish that moves Visit My Website
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    Monthly Guppy Photo Competition!

    how do i insert a pic ?
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    What Cory ?

    kk, arent they very rare though
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    Saphire - Newer Pics

    poor fish :( i dno much about bettas im 15, and dont have my own house :P but when i do im guna do this betta saving thing, i think theyre amazing
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    What Cory ?

    im wanting a quite active one, just a diffrent look i need 2 to shoal with my lonely cory, so 2 species would be much apprecaited
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    Albino Corys

    :D cant wait, thx inchworm
  36. C

    Can I Put Cucumber In My Tank ?

    waters fine, and the guppy keeps nibbling, not trying to eat the fish. by the way this might sound stupid but have u got any peacekeeper fish ? just now my shark scared all the other fish away from the cucumber, then beano chased himn away, now the sharks hiding in his shipwreck :P
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    Can I Put Cucumber In My Tank ?

    is it ? and why does 1 of my guppys keep trying to eat my gourami and the male guppy try to eat all the other fish ?
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    Rainbow Shark :d

    kk :) WOW nice they look like eels
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    Albino Corys

    kk thx mate