Saphire - Newer Pics

Im a regular customer in there so I dont want them knowing it was me... So is there anyway that I can report them without them finding out it was me...

He getting better, just taking his time... Slowly growing his fins back I believe...

Yes same for myself :(

I'd sod being a regular customer and report them. By shopping there you're supporting their business in a way. It's heartbreaking to see the fish in such a state, but the more you "rescue" them the more they will buy in. They're going to be thinking that if you'll buy them in that state, all nipped and half dead, then they have even less of a reason to actually take care of them.

I admit I would be tempted to buy them because they look so piteous and sad . But now you have saved one, It's best to report the shop, forget what they may think of you, and help to prevent the fish from getting in that state to begin with.
Hiya, how awful pet shops tick me off!
How is the betta now? :) ( p.s Report it i think its kind of badly neglected )
Well I cannot report them as much as I would like as Alex a working which quite southern Aqautics (Shop which needs reporting) is a managers to a new reptile shop which Im trying to get a job in... And I dont want to tell on his old shop when my new job is on the line... I could get pics if needed and maybe someone else could report for me... Also Amy is reporting the shop I believe
Saphire is acting normal today. More swimming and comming to the glass. Though I do believe that he is still going through the "sulking"
In England, you should complain to the council. They are responsible for licensing pet shops. My husband works for a council, and recently revamped their pet shop license application forms, that's how I know!
Oh right... As I explained a couple of threads above I cannot complain myself as it might ruin my chance of this job that i might be getting. But if SA is still poor in condiction in about a month after getting my job then i will report them...
I am glad to hear that Sapphire is doing well. Just to say if you ask to remain anoymous they have to respect your wishes and would have to ask your permission to submit your details. Thanks for that essjay, shall collate my some stuff and will certainly do so for the poor fish.
Well if they dont know its myself then i will report too... Going there on Tuesday so will get some pics then lol
Saphire fins see to be be growing a little now. And he is finding it easier too swim I would say :)

Its nice to see a betta thats nearly dead make a good recovery :)

But its not over and anything could happen so fingers cross and be aware for myself lol
poor fish :( i dno much about bettas im 15, and dont have my own house :p but when i do im guna do this betta saving thing, i think theyre amazing
Im only 15 and Im already saving them lol. I have always have a kind deep heart for any animal in need for for a lovely pretty fish like this my heart just goes straight out for them :)
Well its not my parents its my boyfriend father lol... I have Bubbles in his own tank and Saphire and Peach is in a breeding net with a plant in (1 net per fish) they seem to be happy and Spahire doesnt need meds at moment as his fins going without a problem
wow nice, do bettas take alot of room and need heating n stuff ? an is it a bad idea putting one in a community tank ?

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