Need Help Choosing A Tank Cleaner


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2009
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I really only want one, that is a comunity fish and easy to keep thanks :) Chob
Honestly in my opinion it's not fair to get a fish just to use as a cleaner which should be your job. Anyways if you posted your tank size and stats im sure some more experienced person will come assist you. :)
LOL got images of a poor fish with mop and bucket, while you sit in your armchair, in a smoking jacket, with port and a pie, laughing....

Anyway, nothing wrong with selecting a fish for a purpose, i know what you mean by 'cleaning'. Bristlenoses are good for algai and food detritus. Have you checked out malaysian trumpet snails though? If you want a clean up crew its hard to beat 'em!
Get a Farlowella!!!! Lots of people don't even mention the infamous "twigs" but they do a GREAT job........ Mines a character.
Nurglepuss OMG I had to compose myself before writing this, that was hillarious haha xD and thanks a lot every1, went to lfs, and they give me algea eaters. They're so interesting and look like sharks :D yeah!!!
They weren't 'Chinese Algae Eaters'? or might they have been Siamese Algae Eaters, or Suckermouth algae eaters? Or Otocinclus?





Get a Farlowella!!!! Lots of people don't even mention the infamous "twigs"

Just as a note, i find these very difficult to acclimate and keep well fed.

some people consider bristlenoses to look like sharks (i dont understand either)

and there are about 5 different fish that look like sae's and could easily be sold as "algae eater"
There aren't really any fish that 'clean', just convert it into a different form. Like, BNs may eat algae but like all plecs it comes out the other end in vast quanitities, which is probably worse.
My farlowella is great, very easy with water changes, never had a problem with it and just LOOVE zucchini and cucumber

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