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  1. CrashingWaves

    A Couple Of My Tanks

    Nice looking fish, in spite of being overstocked. Loved the picture with the clown loach though, and I love the look of the tank :) God Bless, Joshua
  2. CrashingWaves

    My New Betta

    I'm terrible with identifying betta morphs, but regardless...he is beautiful :) God Bless, Joshua
  3. CrashingWaves

    How Would You Like To Work Here?

    I wouldn't be getting any work done either :lol:. I'd be constantly watching the fish, or looking up ideas on how to make the tanks better. Way to make me drool though ;) God Bless, Joshua
  4. CrashingWaves


    Well my first question is, what is your betta in? You usually don't have to worry that much about moving a betta from one place to another. They're generally pretty easy going about that :). God Bless, Joshua
  5. CrashingWaves

    What Kind Of Loaches Have You Kept?

    Clown Loaches are obviously the most talked about loaches on fish keeping forums, followed closely by Kuhli loaches. So I was wondering what kind of loaches everybody is keeping now, and has kept in the past? Here's my list: Clown Loach Kuhli Loach Burmese Border Loach Skunk Loach Zipper...
  6. CrashingWaves

    Kuhli Loach

    Kuhli loaches should be in groups of at least three, though up to six is better. There's a good chance he's just hiding, but you really never know. If you are going to get another, make sure you get several, they'll be much happier :) God Bless, Joshua
  7. CrashingWaves

    I'm About Ready To Just Stop Keeping Fish At Home...

    Just keep plugging away at it, and try to not let them get you down. You're allowed to have a passion for fishkeeping as all of us do. Just don't give up :) God Bless, Joshua
  8. CrashingWaves

    Pandas And Pygmies

    I don't know. I suppose even though I have my own fish, for some reason I still enjoy seeing pictures of other peoples fish, even if they're the same species I have. I also like seeing other peoples tanks to see the setup they have with plantings, wood, and rocks and try and get some ideas for...
  9. CrashingWaves

    New C. trilineatus

    My corydoras love a wide variety of foods. Generally it takes corydoras about a week before they seem to be able to actually focus on eating. It seems to just take a few days for them to get used to their surroundings, then after that, they're pretty hearty eaters :). God Bless, Joshua
  10. CrashingWaves

    Ordering Loaches

    Nobody? God Bless, Joshua
  11. CrashingWaves


    Hope we get to see a picture of their tank and caves :) God Bless, Joshua
  12. CrashingWaves

    Clown Loach In A Tank With Ich?

    Let me at least say this. No matter what treatment you use for clown loaches to get rid of ich, you're going to be taking a risk. Even if a medication is made for scaless fish, they still really won't take that kindly to it. Salt and loaches don't really mix either, though it has been done...
  13. CrashingWaves

    Guinea Pigs!

    Cute little guys :) God Bless, Joshua
  14. CrashingWaves

    Pictures Of My Dog

    Very beautiful dog, I love border collies :). I love how intense they are. God Bless, Joshua
  15. CrashingWaves

    Free Corys

    About how many corydoras do you have in total? God Bless, Joshua
  16. CrashingWaves

    Baby Corys

    I just want to stress the importance of not overfeeding. Fish that size can eat very little, so overfeeding would be incredibly easy to do. As for a quick fix on what to feed them, I'd just suggest crushing regular flake food into a fine powder. After that you can vary the diet with some of...
  17. CrashingWaves

    Clown Loach In A Tank With Ich?

    Just as long as you aren't cooking your fish at the same time as well ;) God Bless, Joshua
  18. CrashingWaves

    Dwarf Loach

    I assume you're asking because you plan on getting some? If so, I'd love to see some pictures :) God Bless, Joshua
  19. CrashingWaves


    Oh I have, no worries there :lol: God Bless, Joshua
  20. CrashingWaves

    Dalmation Looking Stingray!

    I've had the same experience. Would it be possible for you to use google imagine search and find a picture of the one you're talking about? God Bless, Joshua
  21. CrashingWaves


    Excuse my ignorance, but what does "WPG" stand for? Also, what does the T8 Stand for? God Bless, Joshua
  22. CrashingWaves

    Please Help! Barbs Acting Funny

    Well the lack of cycling the tank is basically the reason this is happening. Just let us know when you get the water stats, since that will make things easier for us :). God Bless, Joshua
  23. CrashingWaves

    Can't Net The Little **** Any Advice

    ^I never really understood how some people could use such small nets :lol: God Bless, Joshua
  24. CrashingWaves

    Lighting And Filter Cleaning.

    This is just kind of random and I'm just kind of popping in to say, it's easier to preserve good bacterial by not having worry about it living so much in the filters. It's worth the money to have a filter with bio-wheels. God Bless, Joshua
  25. CrashingWaves

    My New Tank, Questions?

    I recently started looking into this a bit further since I didn't have much luck with plants in the past. It would seem that most people absolutely blast their fish tanks with light. Most petstores don't even sell bulbs much higher than 15 Watt. You might want to do some research on lowlight...
  26. CrashingWaves

    Can't Net The Little **** Any Advice

    Make sure you pull the net all the way, or at least part way out of the water when you come up. Also, making sure the net is as level with the waters surface as possible helps. But, as mentioned above, don't attempt catching the fish for too long because it will cause a lot of unwanted...
  27. CrashingWaves

    Muddy Bottom

    But then you have to resort to having a "specialty tank", and if you don't have a lot of money to have multiple tanks, that can get annoying. God Bless, Joshua
  28. CrashingWaves

    Ice Cubes

    ...What exactly do you mean by mini fridges? God Bless, Joshua
  29. CrashingWaves

    Freshwater Snails

    Just keep us updated on what you decide on so we can help you as much as you need us :). Don't hesitate to ask. God Bless, Joshua
  30. CrashingWaves

    Little Betta Tankmates

    It should be fine, but I'd personally suggest pygmy corydoras :). God Bless, Joshua
  31. CrashingWaves

    Fish That Eat Algae

    I've only kept a few species of pleco in my years of keeping fish, but from my experience, the common pleco does the best job in keeping the glass clean. I don't really think they produce that much waste, nothing more than is to be expected. I do pretty consistant water changes though, so it...
  32. CrashingWaves

    Can't Net The Little **** Any Advice

    Best advice I can give you is corner him extremely slowly in the tank. Then, slowly guide him towards the surface. Then make a quick motion upward to net him straight out of the water. This has helped me catch some of the most difficult fish to net. God Bless, Joshua
  33. CrashingWaves

    Muddy Bottom

    The advantage to using a soil substrate in the tank is, it will greatly improve the overall function of the tank. Providing there isn't any harmful chemicals in the soil of course. The one problem is when it actually comes to putting the soil in. It could take a pretty long time before the...
  34. CrashingWaves

    Shrimp In Breeding Tank?

    The shrimp should do alright in that kind of situation. I kept shrimp with adult platies before and they did just fine together. God Bless, Joshua
  35. CrashingWaves

    Tropical Fish Food...

    :lol: Best fish food eating story ever. Don't ask me why in the world I did this, I was kind of in a loopy mood and I know my girlfriend has a good sense of humor. Her and I were kissing, sitting on the floor by my 55 gallon fish tank. While she wasn't looking I slipped a shrimp pellet into...
  36. CrashingWaves

    Suggested Water Changes

    I personally do about 20% water changes in my 55 gallon tank, once a week. I could get by with less but the fish thrive much more when I do weekly water changes. God Bless, Joshua
  37. CrashingWaves

    My Fishes

    Nice looking fish :) God Bless, Joshua
  38. CrashingWaves

    My Wild Ram

    Beautiful fish, a real winner :). But, I agree with the horrible text color, I had to highlight it to be able to read it :lol:. God Bless, Joshua
  39. CrashingWaves


    I was going to say, isn't there a way to use lowlight. Not all plants keep the be blasted with light to thrive. :lol: Thanks :) God Bless, Joshua
  40. CrashingWaves

    Ordering Loaches

    Unfortunately I had to move from the wonderful west coast, to the frozen land of Wisconsin. Unfortunately what I also left behind in Oregon were all the specialty fish keeping stores with excellent selections on fish. Desperation starts to set in when your only option really is Petco ;)...