Shrimp In Breeding Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 27, 2007
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was thinking of setting up a breeding tank for my platties just to keep the fry in, but was also thinking of keeping some shrimp, not sure what type yet, ive read shrimps help clean your water, but they interest me also

is this a good idea and im thinking cherry shrimp,

any factors i should be taking into consideration? could i also use the shrimp as feeders if the numbers become too many?

was thinking of setting up a breeding tank for my platties just to keep the fry in, but was also thinking of keeping some shrimp, not sure what type yet, ive read shrimps help clean your water, but they interest me also

is this a good idea and im thinking cherry shrimp,

any factors i should be taking into consideration? could i also use the shrimp as feeders if the numbers become too many?

I wouldnt have thought it would be to much of a problem, i have a rock shrimp and his in with many other fish and is fine, you need a tight fitting lid though.
I havn't heard of shrimp improving water quality before.
Small babie platties should be ok with shrimp, though the adult platties may eat baby shrimp (if you put them in the same tank obviously and thats with cherry shimp).
Shrimp couldn't harm baby fish, and baby fish can't harm shrimp (or once they can, they should be moved to the main tank).

However, there might be a small chance that the shrimp eat fish eggs. I would say probably not with eggs with relatively strong surfaces like corydoras, but it's honestly just a guess.
Do shripm breed at a fast rate or slow?
im thinking or breeding them as feeders to my adult fish any ideas?
and what size do the fry need to be before they can be placed in with the adults
thanks guys
Platties are livebearers, so there wont be any eggs. An adult platty could, I think, kill a baby shrimp, so if he is keeping the adult platty in the tank full time, there could be a problem of increasing the shrimp population, as the adult platty may eat them.
no adult platty will only be in there to drop a load :p shell be off to the main tank shortly after because i believe after a few hours the mother eats the fry, not willing to risk it lol
Platties are livebearers, so there wont be any eggs. An adult platty could, I think, kill a baby shrimp, so if he is keeping the adult platty in the tank full time, there could be a problem of increasing the shrimp population, as the adult platty may eat them.

Ahh yes, I didn't see that initially. Keeping shrimp with livebearer fry isn't an issue at all.
Depends on what shrimp you are talking about. I would say 95% of the shrimp you see for sell will be ok as they will either be filter feeders or very small. There are a few shrimp you can get though that are capable of catching and eating fry.
The shrimp should do alright in that kind of situation. I kept shrimp with adult platies before and they did just fine together.

God Bless,

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