Tropical Fish Food...

I have never tried it but my cats go nuts for the flake and have stolen a holiday block before. I even found my cat hauling my bag of chichlid food out the door. I have to be very careful when feeding as the wee girl - pins (cats names are pins and needles) tries to knock the tub out my hand.

Its quite funny.

don't want to be rude or anything but I absoulutly have to put this out: U PEOPLE ARE GROSS!!!! :stupid: . I WAS EATING WHEN I READ THIS! :sick: :X
hehe I've tried, but didn't enjoy.... this brings about an interesting story from my work ^_^

I work at petsmart, and we sell these worms called superworms (pretty much a big, ugly meal worm with a harder exoskeleton). So my buddy Mike and I are working and a guy from the stocking section (cats and dogs) comes over and dares my buddy Mike to eat a superworm. Mike already ate a meal worm so and told the guy that so he (Mike) said a superworm would be no problem. Then the stocking guy said alright fine, if it's no problem I dare you to suck on the superworm then roll it around in fish flakes (Wardley) and eat it... Mike thinks about it for like 30seconds and said he will if he gets paid $20. The stocking guy said alright, so Mike ate the superworm covered in flakes... It was the funniest thing I've ever seen... Mike didn't even flinch but the guy from stocking almost puked! Hahha!
Lol, that's really funny. Id like to see the cat hauling a bag of fish food out the door.

That's pretty funny too.
My kitties ate a whole tub of betta flakes in one sitting while I was out one day....they had red poo for yonks :lol:

I've never been tempted to try eating fish food myself, especially not bloodworms :lol: I did eat dog biscuits when I was a bubby, so my mom tells me, and coal and mud :lol: I turned out okay though :angel:
My boyfriend and I just started getting into fish, and we bought a tank, 3 to be exact, and got our fish. And my boyfriend tried eating the fish flakes, and surprisingly, he likes them...Has anyone ever done something like this? I find it rather gross, but he seems to like it...

I ate some fishflakes once for a dare while very drunk, they didn't taste too bad, tasted like bread really, but goldfish pellets taste gross, like fish flavoured bread or something.
don't want to be rude or anything but I absoulutly have to put this out: U PEOPLE ARE GROSS!!!! :stupid: . I WAS EATING WHEN I READ THIS! :sick: :X

:lol: Best fish food eating story ever. Don't ask me why in the world I did this, I was kind of in a loopy mood and I know my girlfriend has a good sense of humor. Her and I were kissing, sitting on the floor by my 55 gallon fish tank. While she wasn't looking I slipped a shrimp pellet into my mouth. When she went to kiss me again I popped it in her mouth. Completely freaked her out. Pretty funny :lol:

God Bless,
:lol: Best fish food eating story ever. Don't ask me why in the world I did this, I was kind of in a loopy mood and I know my girlfriend has a good sense of humor. Her and I were kissing, sitting on the floor by my 55 gallon fish tank. While she wasn't looking I slipped a shrimp pellet into my mouth. When she went to kiss me again I popped it in her mouth. Completely freaked her out. Pretty funny :lol:

God Bless,

:lol: hahhahah that's great :D gotta try that with my girlfriend one day :p she's pretty on the ball so I must be sneaky... :ninja:
hehe I've tried, but didn't enjoy.... this brings about an interesting story from my work ^_^

I work at petsmart, and we sell these worms called superworms (pretty much a big, ugly meal worm with a harder exoskeleton). So my buddy Mike and I are working and a guy from the stocking section (cats and dogs) comes over and dares my buddy Mike to eat a superworm. Mike already ate a meal worm so and told the guy that so he (Mike) said a superworm would be no problem. Then the stocking guy said alright fine, if it's no problem I dare you to suck on the superworm then roll it around in fish flakes (Wardley) and eat it... Mike thinks about it for like 30seconds and said he will if he gets paid $20. The stocking guy said alright, so Mike ate the superworm covered in flakes... It was the funniest thing I've ever seen... Mike didn't even flinch but the guy from stocking almost puked! Hahha!

ok stop ( what kinda thread is this?) This is the most grossest and disgusting thread I have ever read. When i read all these posts Im honestly shocked and in disbelief :lol: How do you people do it? I dunno, and I will never understand....
Fish food, hmmm, mainly ground fish (shocking!) shrimp, wheat, gluten, brine shrimp, something the employee threw in the oven in a jealous rage, etc.
hehe I've tried, but didn't enjoy.... this brings about an interesting story from my work ^_^

I work at petsmart, and we sell these worms called superworms (pretty much a big, ugly meal worm with a harder exoskeleton). So my buddy Mike and I are working and a guy from the stocking section (cats and dogs) comes over and dares my buddy Mike to eat a superworm. Mike already ate a meal worm so and told the guy that so he (Mike) said a superworm would be no problem. Then the stocking guy said alright fine, if it's no problem I dare you to suck on the superworm then roll it around in fish flakes (Wardley) and eat it... Mike thinks about it for like 30seconds and said he will if he gets paid $20. The stocking guy said alright, so Mike ate the superworm covered in flakes... It was the funniest thing I've ever seen... Mike didn't even flinch but the guy from stocking almost puked! Hahha!

ok stop ( what kinda thread is this?) This is the most grossest and disgusting thread I have ever read. When i read all these posts Im honestly shocked and in disbelief :lol: How do you people do it? I dunno, and I will never understand....

It takes years of taste testing to find what you like . Are you sure you have never been tempted lol. Go on turn to the dark side.
well i know i wont feed the dogs anything that i wouldnt eat nor the cats i havent ever thought of the fish food :S
hmmm bk in a few gonna try the frozen brineshrimp then the flakes and the dry bloodworm :S yeeeurgh

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