I'm About Ready To Just Stop Keeping Fish At Home...


Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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Alright... so the situation is this... I love fish, and keeping fish, I've had numerous tanks in my house in the almost 10years I've been in the hobby and my dad's been by me every step of the way... Unfortunatly I can't say tje same about my mom... She hates my tanks, even if they look wonderful and are full of beautifuly fish, she finds something to nit-pick at... Recently my basement was flooded (non-tank related, we don't know what caused it.) and my basement rugs had to be replaced, along with some parts of the wall.

Now, my tanks were out on the main floor (where it go flooded the worst) and my mom only ever wanted me to have 1 big tank, the 55gallon tank it is I said. So, my 29gallon tanks getting sold to a friend of mine, and I'm getting rid of my oscar from my 55gallon tank as it's too small for him, even alone. My angelfish, cory catfish, pleco(s) and RTBS are all going to be kept in the 55gallon tank.

So, the tanks set-up in my bathroom in the basement, and my mom is still flipping out about it because she wants it stay there and my dad wants it on the floor because he thinks it looks stupid in the bathroom. I'm not about to argue with my parents as every time I do it comes to the conclusion that I'm almost 20 years old and they have no problem kicking me out. It never happens, but as a person not yet in college, with no financial sercurity it's a scary thought...

My dad has 2 tanks at his office (a 75gallon african cichlid tank and a 72gallon reef). I'm thinking of just giving up keeping fish at my house and moving the tank down there... :( Thanks for listening all... just needed to get some anger and frustration off my chest.
Dunno why but when I read that it cheered me up a bit... Well, i've discused it with my parents again and my mom wants it in the bathroom so my dad said "#### it keep it there"
Just keep plugging away at it, and try to not let them get you down. You're allowed to have a passion for fishkeeping as all of us do. Just don't give up :)

God Bless,
Well, they've allowed me to keep the 55gallon tank, my brother took my Oscar, he's got a 75gallon tank so it'll be a good home for the oscar. I shall not give up, thanks much all for lifting my spirits.
I know how you feel. My wife hates my tank as it takes up space and i have had 3 leaks (with other tanks) in three years. Each time i have stopped/emptied it before it has become serious, but the threat is always there. Her family have taken her side and are always going on about "me and my fish".

You just have to be selfish a little bit and try to just stand up for yourself. I use the arguement that i don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't go out with mates all the time, don't womanise and don't cheat. The only thing that i do is fish (and eat ice cream) so why should i stop?? It isnt causing a problem to anybody!

You stand up to your mum!! You could have worse habits!!

Goodluck and keep smiling!!
totally.....there are far worse things....when i was having a bad day last week and my bf brought my fish into it (silly sod).....i pointed out that i have a very horrible job at the moment which is making me feel very low, and the fish are currently my way of keeping distracted. :rolleyes:
lol well, I did tell my mom that I could be out spending all my money on booze and drugs, and she agreed that the fish are a better "waste" -as she put it- of money.
you must have a big bath room, if i put my tank in there even the smallest one i would have to pee in sink in the kitchen. lol. but if you got room in there and thats the only place to have it, it's better than nothing?
Meh... I guess it's a big bathroom, mind you it is the basement one and the main part of that bathroom has a hot tub and sauna :D I'll post pics so you guys can see just how odd it looks lol, also mind the cloudiness of the tank... I put sand in it but I guess I didn't wash the sand out as good as I should've -_- ahh well now I'm stuck doing 30% water changes for a bit to clear up me tank lol.


My current fish housing unit... (big blue bin -_-)

Part of the bathroom (shower and ... toilet)

The tank (cloudiness cost free!)

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