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  1. S

    White Ribbon Eels

    Not sure about the eel but do you have a sump or overflow the blenny could of got into, i know my goby disappeared for several days. i assumed he was in his cave as he wasnt on the floor in my living room, then he appeared in my sump!!
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    Bought One, What A Nice Bloke.

    great stuff, does he have more than one then? do you still have a link for it on ebay?
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    First Step Taken On The Long Road

    nice tip ozzie, i think ill be borrowing that idea when i build my scape! :good:
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    First Step Taken On The Long Road

    yeah only prob with oceanrock ozzie, its very dense and smooth in texture, im considering getting some lava rock, £2.50 kg from Maidenhead in brigg my pla is to shape it with my dremel, its really pourous and hopefully wil blend in behind my LR so its un-noticable. We all love pics dayz...
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    First Step Taken On The Long Road

    No i agree, like i said OCEAN ROCK is for scaping, and actually(and this is an assumption) all rock will become live after a period in your tank, it will hold bacteria in the creavices, develop algae and various forms of life will live within it, assuming its fairly porous and lightweight. My...
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    First Step Taken On The Long Road

    hey woody, where abouts are you? maybe worth the drive, im currently looking at getting ocean rock to build a scape.
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    Which Rock Is Best?

    Cleethorpes, uk. pretty much end of line here one way in..... lol so would mean travelling for some rock, ,not that im bothered if price is right
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    Which Rock Is Best?

    sweet, thanks ozzie, yeah the beauty of the LR i get is its cured, in a display tank and you can see all the creepys running around on it before you buy, didnt even think of the classifieds lol ether of you guys used lava rock?
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    Which Rock Is Best?

    my LFS has reef bone but they are VERY expensive in fact almost the same as LR, lava rock is very light and porous, hence my thoughts regarding using it, plus its quite brittle so i was hoping to shape it with my dremel, i would love reef bones because once they grow coraline and other algaes i...
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    First Step Taken On The Long Road

    I think the point of ocean rock, is not for filtration but rather aqua scaping, its a cheaper alternative to scapin completely out of LR, in time it will lose its white colour and blend in, it will even hold coraline algae if it grows well in your tank, im considering purchasing cheaper...
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    Which Rock Is Best?

    Hey all, Stupid question time again, besides live rock what other rock are better for cheap aqua scaping? i need to build a scape for which i will pad out with LR but this close after christmas finances are low! i was thinking of lava rock? any reasons why i should/shouldnt? or are there any...
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    Ph Low

    As far as im aware it is no uncommon for ph to drop this time of year as gaeous exchange slows down, c02 builds up indoors as their is little ventilation due to most people having windows and doors shut, what are you kh levels like? i too had this problem recently and was advised told as i have...
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    Daft Lighting Mistake

    :rofl: thanks for sharing, gna keep me smiling after a long hard dsay at work, on the bright side you have a spare bulb for when that one blows, haha
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    Id This Mushroom Please!

    Thanks seffie, the guy at the shop did ell me the name, but in all the excitment and all the questions i was asking i forgot lol, besides the evil blue sponge are there any other bad ones? i ask because that little fella seems to hav doubled in size since i bougt him the other week. :crazy:
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    Whats This Little Fella?

    Thanks donya, its the closest guess ive been suggested so far nothing los similar at all? im wondering whether to get rid although i have noticed little versions of this on my LR probably 2/3 in total, will anyhing eat it? i know peppermint shrimps will eat aiptasia but do you think they will...
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    Whats This Little Fella?

    hey guys, no replys but someone on UR advised me it may be a pseudocorynactis, forwhich it does look like and behaviour sounds the same, i was wondering though would you guys recomend i get rid or keep? Help please
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    Hob Skimmers

    i dont know about the hob skimmers but i use a tmc 500 compact, which hangs on the side of my sump, this has built in intake and return and directly pumps water back into my sump, i have it in the first chamber solely for space saving and practicality, i dont suppose it would matter wich section...
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    Caught The Little Blighter!

    yeah, i was flicking between that and a gorilla crab, its sumped now anyway, after all my stress
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    Caught The Little Blighter!

    Here is a picture of my evil, rouge crab, this thing has had 2 of my ceriths and has had me swearing at a tank full of water for weeks, he has avoided fresh water dips, traps, bait on a line.... my final resort was a hammer and chisel, it was this or a soldering iron, he had a favourite hide i...
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    Id This Mushroom Please!

    I bought this mushroom a day or two ago but do not know its specific name so as you guys are the experts i hoped you could help me the pic doesnt really do it justice, its almost metallic green and luminescent ubder my moonlight leds. Also in the pic theres an area circled with a pink blob, my...
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    Whats This Little Fella?

    Right so as promised i found a little critter and have uploaded the pics, this guy looks like an anenome, and only appears at night, retracts during the day (and when proded) hes quite opaque, wiht short tentacles and a green ring around his mouth peice, i was advised it was probably not a...
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    Hitchhiker Crab

    good newes is i have my killer crab...bad news is i had to smash a peice of my favourite lr off to get him nevermind though at least theres going to be no more eaten snails (hopefully), anyway in smashinthis peic eof my LR i also found my ? anemone and have pics for id so will up them shortly, a...
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    My Malu Anemone Pictures

    didnt notice the links at first pal, lol that clown fish was having none of it from the shrimp eh hahaha
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    Air Stones

    I dont have one, But i was considering one too, however my LFS advised against this as my flow was sufficient and he advised i didnt want to over saturate the water with oxygen, so id be interested on peoples thoughts too.
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    New To Corals

    sorry ben missed the params question, ammonia and nitrite 0 nitrate less than 10ppm, ph 8.1, salinity 1.023 and 1/2 (so the guy with the refractometer tells me... they are awesome!!!!!) po3 0/0.25 kh 12 ca 520 and temp 78.2f im new but fingers crossed, touch wood and all that i have kept the...
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    New To Corals

    yes its a sweet tamk lewis, really nice looking and imo great setup for marine too, the damsel is in my sump as it was overly aggressive to ... well.... everything and is going back to my LFS, when i get there lol my local guy agreed to take him back and swap him for something else, yeah they...
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    Looking For Something New

    If money is also an issue i would look at running costs too, regular water chages would be needed to keep a stable enviroment, more so in a 90l tank (although as the volume is smaller so is the water change) as well as this you will need to regularly check the parameters of your tank an area...
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    New To Corals

    come on guys 30 veiws, some one must have some more advice , tis for a newbie? pretty please lol
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    My Malu Anemone Pictures

    :drool: that is so cool, great pics :good: i dont have any yet but let me tell ya....that is on my list!!!!!
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    Hitchhiker Crab

    joke away my freind......although i did get one for christmas, i think my mushrooms are safe to be honest there so far away from his hide he prob wont go that far, ive been down at all hours with a torch he's just happy in his hole although he has a taste for meat!!!! on the other hand just seen...
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    Hitchhiker Crab

    my crab is a pain, avoided two traps now, with bacon, prawn and dried algae, he is brried deep inside a crevice in my favourite peice of lr full of stuff so dont fancy smashing it, ive done a fresh water dip and sat with bait on a line today for 2hours im almost ready to admit defeat, and to top...
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    New To Corals

    Iam actualy going to up a journal, i have a fluval osaka 155, with a sump approx 50 litres, giving me an approximate 200 litres, eheim return pump with 1200l/h and a 3000l/h powerhead, i currently have a 14k 150w metal halide lighting with 2 superbright blue led strips and a tmc 500 compact...
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    New To Corals

    Hey guys, IM new to fish in general let alone corals, in fact my first real dip in the water was on the salty side 2months ago so as you can imagine i like to jump in with both feet, anyways, i just bought a nice size frag of pulsing xzenia and a green(flourescent) mushroom, i believe a green...
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    Hitchhiker Crab

    yeah hes found a really deep vein/crevice in some live rock Lol, ive tried the fresh water dip already on him, he just tucks himself in deeper, i left the rock in fresh water probably 15 mins, is that long enough, i didnt want to risk damaging the beneficial things on the rock too. my next...
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    A bit early yet id say, id monitor for a while, wait for the cycle to complete, your ammonia will spike and drop back to zero again and as simonas said perhaps two weeks after your tank has cycled, i am looking at turbos as a cuc atm, but i heard they got quite large? so im going to stick to a...
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    Jewel Damsel Swimming Up And Down Repeatedily

    lol sounds nuts to me pal id send him to the loony bin! :lol: on a more serious note i have damsels which have weird swimming behaviours or he may just be stressed out from the move, my thought would be monitor him for a little while see if he settles at all, then again the other guys will def...
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    How long have you had your tank? has it finished cycling yet? what are your water levels like, if its still cycling use the time to research, i must admit im new to the salty side, and too have been asking regarding cuc, i have gone with a variety of things so as to add variety to my cuc...
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    Hitchhiker Crab

    cheeeeeeeky little........ upon closer inspection my now ENEMY crab is a meat eater, he is sat in his hide with the bit of prawn i fed my sandsifter 30 mins ago, thought as he was out he may be hungry dropped him two peices of prawn and the crab niped out and took one, lol any ideas why he wont...
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    Hitchhiker Crab

    yeah id heard most hitch hiking crabs are bad (not all, just most) i eventually want to evolve into a reef setup and dont like the idea of a free roaming crab, it will be an expensive all you can eat buffet for him, he is really cool hence my wanting to keep him in the sump, if i can ever catch...
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    Hitchhiker Crab

    Thats the problem his claws seem to be long and pointy, he is brown and hairy/ prickly, im not sure if the tips of his claws are white, they ar too to see clearly small atm, he's approx sixe of a 20p at most, i was following the rule, if its hairy its scary, hence my hastiness to restrict him to...