Whats This Little Fella?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2011
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Right so as promised i found a little critter and have uploaded the pics, this guy looks like an anenome, and only appears at night, retracts during the day (and when proded) hes quite opaque, wiht short tentacles and a green ring around his mouth peice, i was advised it was probably not a majano or aiptasia as its nocturnal, without a pic my LFS suggested it may be some type of sand anenome, pic 1 is an enlarged version so may not be too good, all help appreciated!!!


pic 2 is a little further away so can be veiwed better.


Thanks in advance :good:
hey guys, no replys but someone on UR advised me it may be a pseudocorynactis, forwhich it does look like and behaviour sounds the same, i was wondering though would you guys recomend i get rid or keep?

Help please
Hmmm...something about it doesn't look entirely Pseudocorynactis-ish to me. Pseudocorynactis tentacles usually have much more distinct balls on tips. Hopefully some others will also have thoughts to offer on this.
Hmmm...something about it doesn't look entirely Pseudocorynactis-ish to me. Pseudocorynactis tentacles usually have much more distinct balls on tips. Hopefully some others will also have thoughts to offer on this.

Thanks donya, its the closest guess ive been suggested so far nothing los similar at all? im wondering whether to get rid although i have noticed little versions of this on my LR probably 2/3 in total, will anyhing eat it? i know peppermint shrimps will eat aiptasia but do you think they will have a go at getting rid of this, only problem is like i said they only appear at night and retract into a crk in the LR at night.

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