Hitchhiker Crab

yeah id heard most hitch hiking crabs are bad (not all, just most) i eventually want to evolve into a reef setup and dont like the idea of a free roaming crab, it will be an expensive all you can eat buffet for him, he is really cool hence my wanting to keep him in the sump, if i can ever catch him !!!! :grr:
cheeeeeeeky little........ upon closer inspection my now ENEMY crab is a meat eater, he is sat in his hide with the bit of prawn i fed my sandsifter 30 mins ago, thought as he was out he may be hungry dropped him two peices of prawn and the crab niped out and took one, lol any ideas why he wont touch the prawn in my trap? do you this hes grown a super brain and is a genious crab....... me feels a battle of wits coming!!!!! :sly: im going to look real silly when the crab wins now ive said that lol :rolleyes:
His his lair in a rock - could you just take the whole rock out? and do a fresh water dip?

Seffie x
yeah hes found a really deep vein/crevice in some live rock Lol, ive tried the fresh water dip already on him, he just tucks himself in deeper, i left the rock in fresh water probably 15 mins, is that long enough, i didnt want to risk damaging the beneficial things on the rock too. my next attempt will be a prawn on some cotton if i can get hip to nip at it i may just be able to tug him out long enough to get him!!!!!!!
When I tried to catch my one, it took 7days before he went in the trap!! Make sure you change the food otherwise your ammonia will go through the roof!! Lol.

I caught him during the day and I put him in my mates sump. He was quite cool actually, but he killed my mushroom by trying to live in it. There's another one in there still who I haven't tried to catch yet, but I will soon.
my crab is a pain, avoided two traps now, with bacon, prawn and dried algae, he is brried deep inside a crevice in my favourite peice of lr full of stuff so dont fancy smashing it, ive done a fresh water dip and sat with bait on a line today for 2hours im almost ready to admit defeat, and to top it all i put in a mushroom today too....lol
Haha, well he ruined my hairy green mushrooms, about 4 of them by digging underneath then till they came off in pieces. How about a blowtorch to the face!! I joke of course!
joke away my freind......although i did get one for christmas, i think my mushrooms are safe to be honest there so far away from his hide he prob wont go that far, ive been down at all hours with a torch he's just happy in his hole although he has a taste for meat!!!! on the other hand just seen in the same hide what looks like ananenome of some sort? translucent with like a flurescent green ring around its mouth, its fairly large and he hasnt touched that allthough its hidden and isnt there during the day so i assume he comesout at dark too anyideas what it is anyone? itsso deep i couldnt get a pic!!!
good newes is i have my killer crab...bad news is i had to smash a peice of my favourite lr off to get him nevermind though at least theres going to be no more eaten snails (hopefully), anyway in smashinthis peic eof my LR i also found my ? anemone and have pics for id so will up them shortly, a guy at lincs aquatics in alford today reassured me it prob isnt majano or aiptasia as it is nocturnal and coloured wrongly, anyways watch for the thread on anemones with pics!!!

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