Search results

  1. N

    Bettas and light

    :rolleyes: I have plenty of natural light coming in so that I don't turn the light on until it starts getting dark. On rainy days I do turn the lights on in the morning. I do have a minor algae problem with the tanks nearest the window but since they get 100% water changes every few days, I...
  2. N

    im starting a website

    ;) Another one
  3. Big_boy__2_.jpg


  4. N

    im starting a website

    ;) Here's one of my plakat
  5. willy.jpg


  6. N

    Fry Still Dying

    -_- Any updates?
  7. N

    2 identical heaters & tanks - diff temps

    -_- I've found in the past that particular heater ran a little higher. I haven't found one yet that I've hooked up out of the box that's been at the same temperature. I need to regulate them all.
  8. N

    Betta bites

    :o At least now I can understand why they say only feed whatever can be eaten in just a couple minutes. With the bigger bites I only fed 2 or 3 but with these, it's just a pinch or so.
  9. N

    Betta bites

    :o I bought a package of Betta Bites a couple months ago in a local store. They loved them so I decided to get more but this time on line. When the order came today I discovered that they are about 1/5 the size of the previous Betta Bites. The first batch was a bit larger than the Bio-Gold...
  10. N

    Possible fungus

    -_- Well the area is darker and the white coating seems to be less but now there seems to be a pit like hole there. No blood or anything, just a pit like hole in the skin. I tried for shots... ha!!! I finally found something that he would flare at... and also run from. I pick up the camera...
  11. N

    Great, now Koko is biting his tail off AGAIN!!

    ;) I found that each time I cleaned the tank and rearranged the plants and whatever else was in the tank he'd go thru a tail biting binge. When I realized what was going on, I made sure everything was back in the same spots when I cleaned the tank and that helped. Didn't stop it, but it helped.
  12. N

    Betta Making Strange Noise

    :rolleyes: I would say that 8 out of my 13 do it but mainly when they are eating.
  13. N

    Possible fungus

    :blink: He doesn't seem to have that white slime coating tonight. The area is definitely different but the coating seems to have gone down and you really need to see him close up and in profile to see something there. It looks like a darker patch now instead of coating.
  14. N

    Possible fungus

    :o Just been checking everything. It appears to be more like the very start of a film just on his head. He was in terrible water conditions when I got him but I didn't let them touch anything. I figured I would do it home. He was very stressed when he got here. It took a day or so before...
  15. N

    Betta's tail okay?

    -_- Can you put up a photo? Mine has black around his tail but it's part of his coloration. Are the fins healthy looking or torn up?
  16. N

    i hate shippng companies

    :( If they don't come tomorrow, take the receipt to the PO and ask for your money back.
  17. N

    Tail biters

    -_- This fish is much more agressive than the smaller betta. He's also a bit older. He bites his tail when experiencing something new from his normal routine. Change something in his tank and you'll get a bloody tail as a reward. A new fish causes a problem. However, not a fish that's been...
  18. biter_1.jpg


  19. N

    Tail biters

    :blink: I thought I would try an experiment with my two tail biters. I just moved the more active biter to a different location with more items in the tank to distract him. I also started feeding him twice a day. He continuously bites his tail and the tail has never grown beyond what you see...
  20. biter_2.jpg


  21. N

    What is a typical betta/plakat size

    -_- Both fish are well under 2 inches - more like 1 1/2 inches in size. The others have come in and you can almost see them growing. Not these two... they just stay the same. They are not tank mates so it can't be the tank conditions.
  22. N

    What is a typical betta/plakat size

    B) I'm just wondering what is the normal size for both a betta and a plakat. I bought one of each from a breeder and both have not grown a bit since I got them. Both are what I would consider very small. To add insult to injury, the betta is a tail biter and was well into doing that when I...
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  24. N

    Why is it that when one guy dies

    :/ I just recently lost my oldest guy. He bloated up but never did pine cone and was very active right up to within a few hours of his death. Now the guy that I bought with him - in another tank several tanks away - seems to be giving off signs that he's not long for this world. This second...
  25. betta_sm.jpg


  26. N

    betta w/ huge belly

    -_- I fast mine at least once a week if not two times. He was getting a pea during the week and loved it. It just didn't help. I have two others with back problems. Neither one can swim properly but they just keep plugging along. One's a great eater while the other one has problems...
  27. betta_4_sm.jpg


  28. N

    betta w/ huge belly

    :( Just lost my guy last night. He was eating and active right up to last night. At that point he seemed to be having problems holding the air in his lungs but still was fairly active and wanted to eat. Although he was huge -like a preggie guppy - he never did pine cone. I tried green peas...
  29. N

    picture of my male betta

    :o The picture is too large and is not opening for me. Please go back and resize the photo to about 350 so we can see him.
  30. N

    Something I noticed

    :D They all get so excited when you go near the tank. The signal for food with mine is when I open the little top on the mini bow. They all go bonkers then. I have two that actually jump out of the water at that point. The most active is the small marble plakat.
  31. N

    Which is healthier for bettas?

    ;) That's what I use. Aged water - 1 gallon with half a teaspoon of salt, 1/2 gallon plain aged water and 1 gallon of treated water to get the temperature up to where it was in the dirty tank.
  32. N

    New Petco Prize

    :D Meet my newest Petco find. I wanted one to replace a favorite who developed a mysterious lump on his head. He's not as big nor does he have as long fins but he's a cutie.
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  34. N


    :look: I'm wondering... for those of you who feed black worms to their guys... just how many do you feed at a time? I'm beginning to feel like I'm starving mine.
  35. N

    betta w/ huge belly

    -_- Mine is still the same way. Very active, hungry and ready to eat, but he looks like he's gonna explode at any minute. I did try a pea but nothing has happened. I thought I'd try another one tonight.
  36. N

    swollen belly

    :-( He's always been fairly large in the stomach but never like this. To add to the question.... no... yesterday was a fast day. None of them were fed. Update... just checked him this morning and I see him starting to pine cone.
  37. N

    swollen belly

    :unsure: My poor guy's stomach just exploded overnight. He's suddenly huge. He's still active and hungry. I just gave him a pea, so I'm hoping for the best. He's not pine coning and is very active. Any ideas?
  38. N

    Anyone here order Betta's from Attison Betta?

    ;) It's Thailand... the culture is completely different from ours. They consider cock fighting and probably any type of animal fighting legal. It would not surprise me if they were also used for food. At any rate, he states on his site in several spots that he does not fight the fish.
  39. N

    Ich, finrot, fin bleeding problems

    -_- I had great success by raising the temperature to 86, and treating with clean water, salt and aquarisol.
  40. N

    Betta Bubble Nesting Contest Comeing Back

    ;) This okay?