Possible fungus


Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hampton Bays, NY (Good Ground)
-_- As I went to feed my latest rescue tonight I noticed that an area on the top of his head looks like there's a fungus starting to pop up there. Nothing stringy, just a whitish looking film.

I think it's a form of fungus. I have both clout and melafix. Which is the best for this? Anything better? He came from dirty water conditions but I thought I had gotten thru that. Obviously not. He's just starting to come around with a bubble nest , quite active but won't flare.

I knew they were all doing much too well!!!


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Is it a film, or is it cottony?
Do you have salt in the tank?

How do his eyes look?
What temp is he at, and what size tank??

ps - he's gorgeous, by the way - he looks like my Archie! :wub:
:eek: Just been checking everything. It appears to be more like the very start of a film just on his head. He was in terrible water conditions when I got him but I didn't let them touch anything. I figured I would do it home. He was very stressed when he got here. It took a day or so before he started moving around and opening his fins. His tail never really opened so I figured something was wrong and have been watching him closely. His eyes look okay.

I've started with a dose of maracyn ... I was able to cut the pill down to what I figured was just under what I would need. It's a mini bow 2.5 gallon tank. The readings after 10 days .... all are just traces.. which surprised me. Temperature is 83 so I've lowered that. The salt is a question. I might have forgotten to put salt in the tank. I know that during the changes the other day I missed one tank. I'm not sure which one. I'm also increasing the salt to 1 teaspoon from the normal 3/4 of a teaspoon for the tank. Should I go higher?
I work for Fiskars, and we have some really super duper sharp kitchen cutting tools. I used a poultry cutter the other day, and it cut the tetracycline tabs into perfect fourths for my 2.5G tank, with no crumbling. I then crush em up and put them in a couple tablespoons of tank water, then toss em in. It works perfectly. then you don't end up with the whole undissolved bonding agent left in the bottom of the tank and your fish won't try to eat it ether.

Keep an eye on your little guy - it seems like he's doing just fine. He probably just needs more time to get used to his new great home!
I also only throw in just a pinch of salt when I do salt the tanks - just a few granules, I don't really measure :)
:blink: He doesn't seem to have that white slime coating tonight. The area is definitely different but the coating seems to have gone down and you really need to see him close up and in profile to see something there. It looks like a darker patch now instead of coating.
-_- Nope it's still there. You need to be at a certain angle to see it. It doesn't look any bigger which is something and the rest of him appears to be good. He's very active which I guess is a plus. Next treatment is this afternoon.
-_- Well the area is darker and the white coating seems to be less but now there seems to be a pit like hole there. No blood or anything, just a pit like hole in the skin. I tried for shots... ha!!! I finally found something that he would flare at... and also run from. I pick up the camera and he's gone.

He is active, eating like a pig, and guarding the new bubble nest he did yesterday. He really doesn't act sick. He's even opening his tail fin more now.
Mine has something similar to this description. Any useful answers would be appreciated.

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