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  1. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Oh right, no my CUC haven't been near it. It's really weird. Yeah I've got them both from the same LFS. The same place as I've got everything for my tank though.
  2. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks Ben, what's CUC? I know, I'm having the worst luck. My water is the best quality it's ever been at the moment so I really don't know why this keeps happening. Everything else in my tank is perfect!
  3. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    OMG, I'm so gutted right now. Just walked into my room, looked at my Royal took 2 gasps and died. I can't actually believe it. It hid in the rocks for one whole day, then today when I was out, apparently was swimming around a bit out my parents noticed it had a few white patches on...
  4. natwood

    Heyy, yeah my tanks doing well at the moment thanks. just got myself a Royal Gramma who is...

    Heyy, yeah my tanks doing well at the moment thanks. just got myself a Royal Gramma who is currently settling in nicely I think. he's hidden the whole of today though which is a shame because he's stunning! Your rocks look good!
  5. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I don't think my Royal Gramma has come out from his hiding place at all today. I've not really seen him eat much yet either. I've tried frozen brine shrimp and a little bit of New Era Flake Food. I was thinking of going to get some Mysis shrimp tomorrow to try him with that. Bit worried, but...
  6. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Aw I'm sorry Barney :( it's worrying that heaters can do that. He seems to like everyone in my tank, except my striped shrimp who he opened his mouth at, without much effect. Lol. Nope unfortunately not Seffie. I popped your algae in the post today.. I hope I've done it right. If there's not...
  7. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Yeah the fish is getting a bit more adventurous now. He even had a little bit of flake food before which is good :)
  8. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Just used my Salifert test kits and my new API reef test kit for the first time. Here's what I found: sg: 1.026 SALIFERT pH: 8.1 Nitrite: 0 Ammonia: 0 Nitrate: 20 API Nitrate: 10 Phosphate: 2 mg/l Calcium: 20 mg/l or less Carbonate Hardness: 12 dkh It's weird because when my LFS tested my...
  9. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks Morri! I'm so impressed at how much better my tank looks with my new tubes! All the colours look so much more vibrant. Everything looked a bit dull and green with my other ones, but now it looks amazing. Managed to snap some sneaky shots of my Royal Gramma. He's been hiding in a little...
  10. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks Seffie, maybe it will arrive today *fingers crossed* ..I'm going to pop your algae in the post today. :good: Thanks for all the advice on Phosphate Remover everyone. I've been looking at prices and I think I'm going to go with Rowaphos. I've just been to the post office collection...
  11. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    So I just went to the LFS to get some salt, but came back with a Royal Gramma too! I did have it in my mind that I would probably get one and as soon as I saw it I had to have it. Acclimating it at the moment but will put some pics up soon!
  12. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I've just realised that I could use one of the baskets with filter media in that came with my internal filter that I removed. I could easily just pop that in the skimmer above the pump output. Do you recommend any phosphate removers in particular?
  13. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Should the box that I make be something like this one?... That looks quite do-able :good: Hmm I think I'll leave the Koralia for now. My clownfish are in love with this pump at the moment, so hopefully I'll be able to last a bit longer with this when I get it fixed. My bank balance has been...
  14. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks Seffie, I've PM'd it to you now :) My skimmmer is a Deltec MCE300. My tubes at the moment are only 4 months old, so should be fine. Can't wait until my Marine ones arrive though, I feel like my whole tank will look a million times better. I'm still contemplating buying those Resun pumps...
  15. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    My lights are on for 12 hours each day, and I make sure I keep my room dark the rest of the time. When my new bulbs arrive I was thinking of decreasing the amount of time they're on for and maybe getting some LEDs for night time. What kind of time should they all be on for? No I don't have any...
  16. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I've recently had loads of trouble with algae growing on my sand. I keep getting rid of it every week, but within a few days it's back again! I'm currently battling with my nitrate levels, could this be the reason for all the algae? It's started growing on some rocks too.. Different algae...
  17. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I'm thinking of getting 2 of these powerheads instead now: My 3000lph one seems to be a bit too much flow directed in one area, and those ones are 1800lph so I could have 2 of them at opposite ends of the...
  18. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Oh no! that's a pain. I can't seem to find any ceramic ones that fit mine either :(
  19. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Aw thanks, that's a shame. I'll try and find something stainless steel that will do the job. Lol.
  20. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Ah that would be a bit cheaper! It's 800mm.
  21. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Haha thanks Seffie. Yeah I've just realised that somehow the white bit that makes the whole thing spin around has snapped :@ I guess I was going to swap it (a 3000lph) for 2 x 1500lph ones anyway. I suppose this has just sped the process up a bit!
  22. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Argh! I just took apart my SunSun Powerhead to clean it, put it all back together and put it in my tank and now it's not working. Has anyone else ever had that problem? Not sure what to do now :/
  23. natwood

    Ricordea Florida, Zoanthids, Torch Or Frogspawn Coral

    Nope, unfortunately there's no Swallow Aquatics near me. Your Zoanthid coral looks nice though!
  24. natwood

    Ricordea Florida, Zoanthids, Torch Or Frogspawn Coral

    Hi, I'm looking for some really bright Ricordea's, preferably pink, blue or green. Also brightly coloured Zoanthids, I already have a couple of brown ones and would like some green. And a pink Torch or Frogspawn coral. I'm based in Stockport/Manchester, but am happy to pay postage too. They...
  25. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    No, I can't find that thread Seffie. I've had a good look around but can't see it anywhere! Lol. Thanks Harry, I've had a look on Fishmansfrags. Looks quite good!
  26. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks Ben, yeah I saw some WYSIWYG sites. I think I'm going to go for a Florida Ricordea first :)
  27. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I've just ordered my bulbs! 1 x T5 Juwel Marine White 28w (590mm) 15000 Kelvin. 1 x T5 Juwel Blue 28w (590mm) 20000 Kelvin. Does anyone recommend anywhere I can order coral online? Or is it best to just keep checking in my LFS on a regular basis?
  28. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks for that. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that the bulbs are going to be T5's with a colour temperature of 20000 Kelvin.
  29. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    That's ok Twinstar :) I've been having a look at different corals that I want and I'd really like a Torch or Frogspawn Coral, Florida Ricordea and some nice Zoanthids/Button Polyps. I already have some Button Polyps that are doing well in my tank that came on the rock, but they're brown and I...
  30. natwood

    I Once Said I'd Never Upgrade...

    Wow, your tank is absolutely amazing. It's made me want coral even more now! Haha. Bet it's all cost a fortune! I'm thinking of getting a Watchman Goby next, either that or a Blenny I can't decide :)
  31. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I'm not sure about those filters twinstarzeon as I removed mine all together and just use live rock. Perhaps you could start up your own Journal to get advice from people? Anyway, as I know many of you know already, sadly I lost my Coral Beauty :( I took it back to my LFS today and they gave me...
  32. natwood

    Emergency - Dying Coral Beauty

    Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately it just passed away :(
  33. natwood

    Emergency - Dying Coral Beauty

    Hi Seffie, Thanks for your reply. Is Melafix what I should use to treat the infection?
  34. natwood

    Emergency - Dying Coral Beauty

    I have a coral beauty with a damaged gill, that has then gone on to a bacterial infection. It was eating normally until yesterday and this morning it's lying on a rock at the back and barely breathing. I don't know what to do.
  35. natwood

    Coral Beauty With Damaged Gill?

    Thanks Ben, I've posted on there now. It seems like the problem is spreading every day. Really hope I can get it sorted :(
  36. natwood

    Coral Beauty With Damaged Gill?

    I took a photo into my LFS and they said that I need to add Melafix to my display tank. I don't think I want to do that though. Will it be best for me to set up a smaller tank and treat it in that?
  37. natwood

    Coral Beauty With Damaged Gill?

    There still doesn't seem to be any improvement in my Coral Beauty. If anything it looks like the wound has got bigger. It's weird though, it's as if it's stuck to the side of it's face, like on the surface. I've got a picture of it from the back so you can see how the white bit is kind of...
  38. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Yay, that's exciting. I'm going to get some more test kits first and then the bulbs, and do a lot of reading up first. ^-^ Haha, knew I'd end up wanting some coral in the end.
  39. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    The torch coral is an LPS so would that be ok under 2 x Marine White T5's? The description here: says "while a torch coral will grow fastest under high-powered halide or T5 lighting, even modest Power Compact lighting is enough to...
  40. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I'm starting to think about corals a bit more now. The tank still has the light-unit and tubes that came with it. Which is 'High-Lite light unit 80cm, 2 x 28 watt'. The tubes are '1 x Day' and 1 x Nature'. Will I be able to buy 2 different tubes for this light unit that will enable me to be able...