Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

Does anyone know where I could get some acrylic tube from? I need about 50cm of fine acrylic tube, approx 4cm diameter so I can use it as a syphon. I've got a large syphon, and a rubber tube but neither of them seems very practical for cleaning to substrate. I just end up sucking up tons of sand and I think it'd be loads easier if the tube was solid. I've found some on ebay but it's ridiculously priced. I just want to stick the end of the tube onto the pipe so I can have a syphon. Any ideas? lol.
ebay ;)

nice fish nat. You have to be careful with coral beauties and fish net though as their gills get stuck on them. maybe that happened at teh shop. Looks in perfect health to me though
Thanks Ben. Yeah I think maybe that's what happened. I've noticed now that it's tail has a little nip in it too. Must have happened at the LFS too. I'm sure it will be perfect soon ^-^
Yeah, think I'll have to resort to ebay for this tube. Cheers.
Hi guys! I'm a noobie!

I think what you have done with your Rio is truly remarkable!

I need some i have purchased a Rio 125 for keeping marine (fish, lr & coral) The LFS said i can use it straight out of the box and the only thing i need to do is add 1 blue tube (a good one) and a skimmer and a powerhead for the other side of the tank. I know i need to get the tank cycled and ready before i put any livestock in it. I told them what you have done with your tank and they said everyone is different and that i dont need to do that? I took my nano cube back and changed it for this as it was bigger.

Any help would be great!
Hi guys! I'm a noobie!

I think what you have done with your Rio is truly remarkable!

I need some i have purchased a Rio 125 for keeping marine (fish, lr & coral) The LFS said i can use it straight out of the box and the only thing i need to do is add 1 blue tube (a good one) and a skimmer and a powerhead for the other side of the tank. I know i need to get the tank cycled and ready before i put any livestock in it. I told them what you have done with your tank and they said everyone is different and that i dont need to do that? I took my nano cube back and changed it for this as it was bigger.

Any help would be great!

you do need to make usre your tank is cycled FACT or your livestock will die!

best thing to do is:
get tank Home
Buy - powerheads, salt, test kits, refractometer, skimmer etc
Set up all equipemnt
Fill tank with RO water - heat and salt, test with refractometer
Turn on equipment
Leave to settle for a few days
Add live rock
Start water testting for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite
Hi guys! I'm a noobie!

I think what you have done with your Rio is truly remarkable!

I need some i have purchased a Rio 125 for keeping marine (fish, lr & coral) The LFS said i can use it straight out of the box and the only thing i need to do is add 1 blue tube (a good one) and a skimmer and a powerhead for the other side of the tank. I know i need to get the tank cycled and ready before i put any livestock in it. I told them what you have done with your tank and they said everyone is different and that i dont need to do that? I took my nano cube back and changed it for this as it was bigger.

Any help would be great!

you do need to make usre your tank is cycled FACT or your livestock will die!

best thing to do is:
get tank Home
Buy - powerheads, salt, test kits, refractometer, skimmer etc
Set up all equipemnt
Fill tank with RO water - heat and salt, test with refractometer
Turn on equipment
Leave to settle for a few days
Add live rock
Start water testting for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite

Thanks for the info! I really want to be successful at this and i know with a lot of care and maintenance, it will be.

Does your reply mean that the exisiting filter will be ok?

Thanks once again! :good:
hi twinstarzeon you could read my journal as i have the same tank. your live rock will be the filter and i cut out the filter that came with the tank.
Hi guys! I'm a noobie!

I think what you have done with your Rio is truly remarkable!

I need some i have purchased a Rio 125 for keeping marine (fish, lr & coral) The LFS said i can use it straight out of the box and the only thing i need to do is add 1 blue tube (a good one) and a skimmer and a powerhead for the other side of the tank. I know i need to get the tank cycled and ready before i put any livestock in it. I told them what you have done with your tank and they said everyone is different and that i dont need to do that? I took my nano cube back and changed it for this as it was bigger.

Any help would be great!

you do need to make usre your tank is cycled FACT or your livestock will die!

best thing to do is:
get tank Home
Buy - powerheads, salt, test kits, refractometer, skimmer etc
Set up all equipemnt
Fill tank with RO water - heat and salt, test with refractometer
Turn on equipment
Leave to settle for a few days
Add live rock
Start water testting for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite

Thanks for the info! I really want to be successful at this and i know with a lot of care and maintenance, it will be.

Does your reply mean that the exisiting filter will be ok?

Thanks once again! :good:

yeah, harry is right. the live rock you add forms the filteration. Then most cut the filter boxes out, some leave them for stuff like phosphate remover etc
Yep twinstarzeon I agree with what everyone said. I'm totally happy with the way everything went so smoothly with my tank. I think it's best to do the tried and tested method that seems to get the best results. There's not much point in rushing into it like your LFS suggested, that could just end in disaster.

Here's my weekly test results...

SG: 1.026
pH: 8.1
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 10

The Coral Beauty has settled in well. The little wound on it's gill is changing so I'm thinking that it's starting to heal. I'm just it normal to have algae in the sand at the front? I don't mind how it looks, but I'm just wondering if it's something that I should be getting rid of somehow? Also, I'm still not sure what the weird orange leaf like algae is, or whether it's good or not. Looks nice though!

I have a bit of a mystery as well..2 of my aptasia have gone! I have no idea what's eaten them, but something must have! Not sure if it was my Coral Beauty? There's still one in the tank in a different place, so I'm keeping my eye on it. I've got a nice mix of green bubble algae and red bubble algae that my emerald crab is really taking control of. He eats it all, then it starts to slowly grow back again, I like that he has his own little supply of bubbly-food!

Here's my first videos of my tank!

*edit - new links*
Linklys arent working for me nat,

new tanks are always abit full of algae, just keep ontop of phophates and you'll be cool.
CB wont eat aiptasia! But if they are gone, dont complain :p
why dont you get some online like
I'm starting to think about corals a bit more now. The tank still has the light-unit and tubes that came with it. Which is 'High-Lite light unit 80cm, 2 x 28 watt'. The tubes are '1 x Day' and 1 x Nature'. Will I be able to buy 2 different tubes for this light unit that will enable me to be able to keep some corals?
I'm really interested in getting either a Torch Coral or a Frogspawn Coral.
ok i have the same lights as you but with one reflector. i have soft corals under them and they are fine but i am going to change the more yellow one to the marine white light. so the more white one will move to the back and the marine white one will have the front part of the tube. i will also get one more reflector for the back one :good: here a link to the ones im going to get

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