Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

Torches do not need masses of light mine did very well under the Orca`s light, I know you can buy a T5 I bar for the juwel but not sure on the prices, A couple of Juwel Marine Whites T8 with reflectors should enable you to keep a good selection of LPS and softies under these.
i think nat has the T5 because she said she had the 'High-Lite light unit. so if you had T5 could you keep some low light sps corals?
I agree with Ben you might get away with some Montipora Digatata very high in the tank else LPS and Softies
The torch coral is an LPS so would that be ok under 2 x Marine White T5's?
The description here: says "while a torch coral will grow fastest under high-powered halide or T5 lighting, even modest Power Compact lighting is enough to maintain this specemin." So maybe it'll be enough?
Yay, that's exciting. I'm going to get some more test kits first and then the bulbs, and do a lot of reading up first. ^-^ Haha, knew I'd end up wanting some coral in the end.
Told you didnt we!

i actually think that LPS do better under a bit less light than you would get from halides. They dont like tons of flow either.
ok i have the same lights as you but with one reflector. i have soft corals under them and they are fine but i am going to change the more yellow one to the marine white light. so the more white one will move to the back and the marine white one will have the front part of the tube. i will also get one more reflector for the back one :good: here a link to the ones im going to get

I have just changed the more yellow one for a blue looks cool! I have 2x reflectors too but i can see that much of a difference.

I was wondering if you guys can help me. I did the stupid thing of going to another LFS and got some totally different advice. They are saying that i should take all of the spoges out of the filter as they are nitrate factories and replace them with round balls (stoney ones) then put the white fiter stuff on top of that. Is this good advice or not?

Also, i have noticed that particles are not going into the filter anymore but the pump is still working. I have a feeling that my sponges are blocked but is it safe to clean them yet because i dont want to get shot of the good bacteria. My tank has been set up for about 5 weeks now but with no livestock in it.

Thanks guys :good:
I'm not sure about those filters twinstarzeon as I removed mine all together and just use live rock. Perhaps you could start up your own Journal to get advice from people?

Anyway, as I know many of you know already, sadly I lost my Coral Beauty :( I took it back to my LFS today and they gave me a refund anyway. I'm definitely going to make sure in future that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the fish before I take it home, because I know it only died because it got bashed when the guy caught it at my LFS.

I'm a bit worried about my nitrates at the moment. To get the refund I had to take a sample of my water for them to test. I have tested my water weekly with my Salifert test kits and I thought it was all spot on. My Nitrate has consistently shown as 10, which I've been trying to lower with even more regular water changes. However my LFS uses API test kits and they showed up my Nitrates at 40! So now I can't get any fish until I take in water and my Nitrates are lower. What test kits does everybody else use? I thought Salifert were meant to be better than API?

I've just ordered myself an API reef master kit anyway as I needed a Phosphate and Calcium test kit too. Will be interesting to compare the Nitrate results.
sailfert are much better.
twinstarzeon i would take out all the filter stiff and add like rock rubble :good: and maybe some carbon and phosphate remover :good: you could get some filter wool to take out big particals but will need to be washed out every week, so it dosnt become a nitrate farm.
sailfert are much better.
twinstarzeon i would take out all the filter stiff and add like rock rubble :good: and maybe some carbon and phosphate remover :good: you could get some filter wool to take out big particals but will need to be washed out every week, so it dosnt become a nitrate farm.

Ok, i will do that. Do i need to do it gradually as i will be removing all of the good bacteria? Also, does anyone know of any baskets to put it in to fit the filter box? Thanks
I agree, Salifert are the better ones :good: does anyone live near Nat and could check her water for her?

I'm glad you are chalking this up to experience nat, it is so easy to be downhearted when you lose a lovely fish

Seffie x


Twinstar :hi: to TFF and the salty side of life - we would love you to start a journel in the 'Journel section' so we can both help and follow your tank journey :good:

As Harry has already said, take out all the foam, dont replace with balls or noodles, replace with Live rock rubble. As long as you have Live rock in your main display tank then go right ahead and remove the foam straight away

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