Coral Beauty With Damaged Gill?


Fish Crazy
Jan 6, 2010
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Ever since I got my Coral Beauty, almost 3 weeks ago, it's had an unusual wound on the side of it's head. It was fine in the LFS and then as soon as I got it home I noticed it had a damaged gill, so I'm assuming this happened when it was caught in the net before bringing it home.

It's really hard to get a picture of the wound, but it looks like a kind of white scab on the surface of it's head, and I think it looks like a damaged gill that's trying to repair itself.
The fish is eating fine and seems ok in itself, so I'm just after a few opinions really. Should I just leave it and keep an eye on it, or do I need to do anything?

Here's the best picture I can get..but in real life the wound looks more white and raised.

It looks like it got its barb torn off right there probably by a net i would add some melafix if i were you :good:
im not a fan of adding melefix to your display tank nat. something thats meant to be anti-bacterial into and environment thats ran by bacteria in the live rock doesnt seem right to me.

melefix might be ok, but outside of your main tank imo.

my female clown cut her chin really bad once cleaning the rocks and i was reccomended ani-biotics from the vets. You have to take the fishie in though.
There still doesn't seem to be any improvement in my Coral Beauty. If anything it looks like the wound has got bigger. It's weird though, it's as if it's stuck to the side of it's face, like on the surface. I've got a picture of it from the back so you can see how the white bit is kind of hanging off.

I don't know what to do. Whether to phone the place I got it from, or take it to a vet or something. Really don't know how I'd go about catching it though. What do you think I should do?

Side View.

Back View.

Good side for comparison.
I took a photo into my LFS and they said that I need to add Melafix to my display tank. I don't think I want to do that though. Will it be best for me to set up a smaller tank and treat it in that?
post on ultimate reef, in the health section. theres a guy on there from america and hes like the guru of fish was him who reccomended a certain type of anti-biotic that cured my clown.
hes called wombat btw
Thanks Ben, I've posted on there now. It seems like the problem is spreading every day. Really hope I can get it sorted :(

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