Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

White at the front :) rember to rinse your rowaphos before adding it to the tank or you could end up with a brown tank :p
Thanks Morri! I'm so impressed at how much better my tank looks with my new tubes! All the colours look so much more vibrant. Everything looked a bit dull and green with my other ones, but now it looks amazing.

Managed to snap some sneaky shots of my Royal Gramma. He's been hiding in a little nook in the rocks since yesterday, but he keeps venturing out for a 5-second swim around before darting back into his hiding place. I managed to snap these anyway...


Nice shots :good: good lighting makes a huge diffrence on a reef aquarium my lights cost almost as much as my tank sump and stand but give amazing results

He\she will eventually come out more often and will soon be out all the time
Just used my Salifert test kits and my new API reef test kit for the first time. Here's what I found:

sg: 1.026

pH: 8.1
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 20

Nitrate: 10
Phosphate: 2 mg/l
Calcium: 20 mg/l or less
Carbonate Hardness: 12 dkh

It's weird because when my LFS tested my Nitrate with an API kit..they worked it out at 40 when my Salifert kit said 25. Hmm. I'm going to do another big water change this week anyway and I'll see what the results say then. I quite like the API kits though, although I did get a bit paranoid whilst using all the corrosive chemicals. Haha.
id say salifert would be more accurate so long as its in date etc.

fish looks a nice one, they can be quite shy at long as hes eating
id say salifert would be more accurate so long as its in date etc.

fish looks a nice one, they can be quite shy at long as hes eating

Yeah the fish is getting a bit more adventurous now. He even had a little bit of flake food before which is good :)
Lost my royal gramma recently when my heater decided to cook the tank over night :( They will come out a lot more but don't worry if you don't see him all the time as they do like to swim amongst the rockwork as well. My royal gramma really, really hated clown fish (didn't care about any other fish though) :)
Aw I'm sorry Barney :( it's worrying that heaters can do that. He seems to like everyone in my tank, except my striped shrimp who he opened his mouth at, without much effect. Lol.

Nope unfortunately not Seffie. I popped your algae in the post today.. I hope I've done it right. If there's not enough or I've done anything wrong then let me know and I'll send you more :)
I don't think my Royal Gramma has come out from his hiding place at all today. I've not really seen him eat much yet either. I've tried frozen brine shrimp and a little bit of New Era Flake Food. I was thinking of going to get some Mysis shrimp tomorrow to try him with that. Bit worried, but maybe he's still settling in?
OMG, I'm so gutted right now. Just walked into my room, looked at my Royal took 2 gasps and died. I can't actually believe it. It hid in the rocks for one whole day, then today when I was out, apparently was swimming around a bit out my parents noticed it had a few white patches on its skin. Then as soon as I got home this happened. I've taken it out and it's got white all down one side of its body. Would this have been a parasite? I hate how it seems that whenever a fish suddenly gets then dies without me being able to do anything :(
aw sorry nat, without seeing the fish i wouldnt know...sometimes CUC can leave a fish looking white after a fairly short time. does seem your not having the best of luck at the min
Thanks Ben, what's CUC? I know, I'm having the worst luck. My water is the best quality it's ever been at the moment so I really don't know why this keeps happening. Everything else in my tank is perfect!

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