No, I am not trying to say that mine is better than someone else's. I just think mine is right. It's my opinion. If a war were to break out because one side thought there religion was better, it would be a pointless war.
If you believe this, be very careful with how you say things in future. You attacked another religion without any proof or even a reference for the info, nothing at all to back up your claim. It's the kind of thing people can take serious offence to. Because when it's said like that, it does sound like a my religion is better than yous.
Hopefully you'll sort that out now by providing examples and a source. (as promised)
Christmas day was adopted as 25th Dec, because it was a day already celebrated. It was already someones birthday, who had a very similar story to JC. Mythras. Not sure on the spelling but that should be close enough to find you some info on him.
Since you're promising to shed some light on how inaccurate other religions are, would you like me to shed some light on how inaccurate the bible is? How littered with flaws, how many bits there are which just plain don't make sense, how many bits are completely backwards? From god creating the light before he creates the light producing objects. Creating plants before there is a sun to let them live. Having a wife for Cain, magically appear. Having a man described as "a drunk and naked" build an arc not big enough to carry all the worlds species. But somehow fit them in, to give himself one single ventilation hole about 18" across? Bear in mind it was 7 of every clean beast, not 2 like the unclean ones. That's a lot of animals. Where did the food go? What was done with the tons of excrement? Further into the bible where people mistake #93### for john the baptist, thinking john the baptist has risen from the grave. Wow, what does that say about #93###'s resurrection? If people are that ready to believe that john was resurrected? Even his own diciples questioned who he was. Not just the Jews (of which he was one). Whilst on his deathbed john sent followers to ask #93### if he really was the son of god. So he followed him that whole time, and never truly believed.
Add to all that, the fact that heaven will not be there forever. And that only less than 200,000 celibate men will get in. Chances don't look good for us do they? No matter how much of a follower you are, you ain't getting in now.
When a man needs gods help to father a child at the age of 100, but carries on and has another 6 after that without any help, i'd call that a bit odd.
I know I haven't touched too much on the new testament, but trust me, that's littered with contradictions, repeated accounts of events which argue with the first account. Not to mention the accounts would be questionable to start with since they are written by his followers who would obviously inject a little extra to try and convert more people (with the wow factor, the oh my! How did he do that!). These biased accounts are then compiled by a pagan who arranges things to suit other, already celebrated days. So even less is accurate, and you have the basis of a false religion.
I don't argue with the things #93### said. But I do argue with who he claimedbto be.
You said that the bible didn't have the inconsistencies that others did, hopefully now you'll see you were wring.
Bear in mind that it should not stop you following your religion. So what if there are a few exaggerations. So what if anything. You believe the message the stories tell to be true, and that is what matters at the end of the day.
If you would like some more hole poking doing, more on the new testament just say and I'd be happy to poke some more. Just drop the "my religion is the only one which isn't full of holes" attitude. Either accept the other religions as being someone elses choice. Or accept that yours is full of holes too.