What I can say is that I am not on good terms with deities. Even if one did exist and I could be sure of it, I still wouldn't love or worship it. I firmly believe that a god that is powerful enough to create the world should be able to have created a world that didn't involve the suffering of animals (both human and non-human) and didn't involve the huge environmental destruction we see. I can't understand why it would do that - to teach us something? Is anything worth the huge cost in lives that we see? From my point of view, either god doesn't care about the suffering or is too impotent to solve it. Neither warrant adoration, IMO. Besides, even if there is a mightly deity who created heaven and earth, that's just another creature living it's (possibly infinite) life on the plane of existance.
Do you know why God lets us suffer, and impact the environment? When God made us, he gives us the ability to have free choice. If not, he would be oppressive. Why would someone who loves you, and created you, want to oppress you? They wouldn't. That's the case with God. That is not to say that God is not sympathetic with the suffering. He sent his son to die on the cross! God is with you when your happy and sad, when your in pain or bliss, he is with the animal that's been hit by a car and is slowly dying, he is with the fish when it takes it's last breath. He is there to comfort you. But we have to think about this all the way back to the beginning. When God created the world, there was no sin, death, suffering, anything a long those lines. Everything was perfect. But when man turned his back on God and let sin into his life, that all came tumbling down. Which is why we are in the predicament we are in today. I hope I explained this well enough.
I'm happy that no, it wouldn't. I'm happy with how I live my life, I try and do good things, the 10 commandments are all safe. I have never cheated on my wife or any of my girlfriends. I try and help people if I can. The only thing I'm missing, is actually worshipping god. And I think if you live a good life full of good deeds, and try and spread happiness. That part would be forgiven anyway.
That's a popular mindset. If your good enough, you'll go to heaven. Your sins will be forgiven. Unfortunately, the Bible says that is wrong (which I believe to be true). In the Bible it says "no one is righteous , no not one". That along with John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, and whomever believes in Him, shall never die (spiritually), but have eternal life". That points out that no matter how much good you do, we all sin. As a baby, we our born into sin. Babies and young children do go to heaven though, since they are not at an age where they can understand God and make a decision to follow him or turn their back on him.
a family member dying can be why people go. They can start going to hopefully get some comfort that they are still there. I think the way you view your religion is very pure. Which is a good thing. I think you're incredibly lucky to have a church like that. Maybe it's an American thing. Because here in the uk I've never seen a church like that. All the churches over here I've seen you go in, a part of the bible is read out. The vicar/priest tries to explain what the passage means. Then you sing some songs. Then you're asked for money on the way out to help repair the church. I've never seen a church here stray too far from that formula.
Thank you. Are the Churches you've been to Catholic (no offense), but from what I've seen and heard, Catholic Churches involve a scripture reading, asking for money, VERY boring hymn's, and a lot of tradition. Not saying that there are not true follows of JC in the Catholic Church, but when all of these things come together, it's hard to learn of God and follow him. All Churches ask for money. In the Bible it tells you to tithe 10 percent of your money. How else can the Church support it's pastor? Heating, cooling, electricity, water, land, building upkeep ect.? They can't. Then you have a youth group, they need money. How can you expect teens to pay their way across the globe for a missions trip in a destitute country? You can't. What about instruments for the band (if there is one). All in all, money is very important to the church (but from what I've seen, Catholic Churches tend to spend a lot of money on gold plating, and fancy architecture). I hope that doesn't offend anyone, it's just an observation.