Yf Can Taste The Salt..

Yes it is illegal to bring anything out of the sea back. You can get done and extremely heavily fined by customs if its found.

You need CITES paperwork to bring anything back.
I thought that, I just wanted to make sure.
I have got my mum and dad to tell him on the phone when they speak to him next to seriously not bring any back.
I just hope he listens.

Ok, Now one of the zoas heads(The one with bright green seffie) it seems to have moved itself onto the sand bed?
Its mainly is full body on the sand bed but there is a bit of body still on the plate with the others where it was.
Are corals known to do this, or is somthing messing with the corals?
Also - I am getting some pink algea on the glass now, so fingers crossed its a sign of coraline algea.

some corals do this to spread themselves. Xenia for example will often break away then stick to somewhere else and continue to grow.
I've not come across zoas doing this though. They tend to spread gradually to the immediate area and create like a mat of polyps in close proximity to each other.
is it in v. strong flow???

did it get damaged in transit or when falling from a rock?

unlikely that a hermit did it, but possible i guess.
Its not v.strong flow, but there is a good flow there, but the others are fine and its been fine for the last few days?

mmmm very strange.
if it was a new tank with new live rock i'd suspect a zoa eating pest, a eunice worm could do it.
the rock you got separately was from a anothers person's tank break down wasn't it, rather than newly imported stuff?
Yep, from an established tank.
Now, these eunice worms.. hmm they look like bristle worms and I do have them.
But it doesnt look like its been munched on, just moved itself.

the difference between bristle worms and eunice is the mouth parts and head. the eunice will have 3 spines/feelers coming out of its head.
orrible looking things!

if it has just removed itself, then i wouldn't worry about it. Just keep an eye on the rest of the polyps. if the same thing happens again i'd do some further investigation and try moving the polyps to somewhere else.
the bink algae on the glass is more likely to be cyano. Corraline just apears one day as a little crispy circle
not really no, is the algae on the galss soft and stringy if you remove it?

it comes from excess phosphates and poor flow, but you usually get it for a bit when setting up a new tank or upgrading.
nope cyano is BAD!!

its just another form of algae, but tends to coat everything in the tank and make it look orrible.
tends to come from excess nitrates and phosphates so is very common with newly set up tanks.
The bright green ones are organ pipe, not zoas but yes, palys and the organ pipe will throw off single stems to mame new colonies - it is normal, mine and trods do it all the time :good:

Trod has found the magnet and will be contacting you about posting it :good:

The red stuff is cyano (it's bad stuff but easily got rid of imo), move your powerhead so that there is a brisk flow over the area and it will quickly go

Seffie x

Well, my dad being clever picked up the coral that had fell loose, and 'accidently' droped it down a crack in a rock.
I said calmy "oh well" being as its the 3rd ******* that he has dropped and lost!!!
Im going to have a clear up in about 10 minutes, clean off the algea, does the PH need to be pointing on the rocks?
or as long as there is enough flow it can be pointing on the water area etc.

have hou got any surface agitation at the moment? if not then might be good to direct the powerhead towards the surface a bit, to aid gaseous exchange and stop a film developing on the surface.

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