No problems Adam (im sure thats your name from when i was over at tropicals alot)
Daily maintenance:
- Check all live stock, make sure there fine.
- Check all corals, make sure there fine.
- Check the powerhead, protein skimmer etc is working fine.
- Give the front and sides a clean with the algea magnet.
- Move a few things (Im sure everyone does this!)
- Sit there watching the rock! (Im sure everyone does that one aswell!)
- Check water stats every other day)
(Some of them are not compulsery, I just choose to do it)
I will be totally honest with you now, I dont see why so many people have in there minds that marine costs so much money. Im not going to lie, when I started off looking at marines I was thinking its to much money. But its actually not! It costs me £6.50 a week to maintain, and thats because I buy already salted water from a good seller who I can trust, and I have my salt higher than the LFS do it, so they bump my price up abit because ovbiously there is more salt needed. I think the only thing involved is research IMO. If you research enough, you can do marines as you do tropicals. The only difference is, when you wake up in the morning theres somthing new in a new spot that wasnt there the night before. I think so far I have spent around £300, for a complete set up minus fish and corals (Although I have some frags, and a fair bit of CUC).
Prices so far:
- Tank with stand, Marine Book, Lots of other marine gadjets, PH (Powerhead), 10kg LR, CUC and frags = £200 (From Seffieuk)
- 10kg LR, 120ltrs of salted water, couple of frags = £70 (From a guy near me)
- x5 25l water containers = £2.50 (Bargain from the dentist!)
- Small r.o unit = £0.00 (From Trod, seffies sister)
- Powerhead, Korilla two (spelling is properly wrong) = £0.00 (From ben1987)
Just to prove a point that its not only for the "people in the know", my dad is currently looking at getting a marine tank and hes not the brighest when it comes to fishkeeping, but im here to help - I still have loads to learn but I have people on here to help.
Btw people I have made my dad watch this tank: