Yf Can Taste The Salt..

Nah, as long as they are two juvies they can go in first (that way your girlfriend thinks she is being listened to as well - a win, win situation :p )

Seffie x


ps don't be tempted to get adults - get them small and watch them develop

you should be an agony aunt :lol: i have girl problems :( :-(
Seffie, do you have anwsers to any of them questions I posted?
Im desperate to know.
Also, I just saw my hermit rip a nass off the front and start eating from it.
Although the nass has now surned itself up right and is back on the front, ####!?
I swear, that big hermit is a pain the #### seffie. Lol

Ok small update for you, with a few questions.

I have noticed tons more nass snails out and about I currently have 5 on the front and sides. Some snails do breed quite quick - free CUC
I have brown algea coming up quite quickly on the front and sides, is this a good sign? And is it what the nass are munching on, or should I scrap it off? dont matter either way, id scrape it just so it looks clean
Also, I have noticed a large peice of what looks to be thin string, any ideas on what this could be? is it green? maybe cheato if seffie used it?
And could I just take out, its coming out of a deep crack in a rock, and comes out a fair bit. just get rid if you dont want it
Also, some sort of cobwebs are on bits of my rock, is this good? clean it off
And one of them little sea star things only has three legs, not a clue how its happend, but he seems to be fine, hes always out. is it a little white one? some of them can eat corals

thee string will probably e a tenticle from a molusc
th star will be fine it will grow more legs
and the cobwebs may be like mollusks or somthing mating sort of i know feather dusters do its actually sperm and eggs in the water apperantly
Ok, Just woke up to find one of the zoas on the floor upside down on the plate.
That god damm hermit.
Wow, Ben you have scared me now. Seffie knows what they are called.
I think some are white, well creamy color.

About the coral eaters.
Im going to clean the algea today, remove the cobweb aswell.
This hermit is such a .............. yes.

thats very are you get one of those, majority are harmless corraline munchers. But they o mad and multiply like crazy. Id just take it out
Dont worry about hijacking bae.
Ben, what should I do with it when I take it out?
Also I am borrowing a refractometer on monday so I can make sure my water is the right salt.

Also, Im going to put some frozen bloodworm in there today.
How much should I put in?

whooa, why frozen bloodworm?

thats for tropicals not for marine.

you've not got any stock yet so there is no need to feed.

if you are concerned about teh hermits just put a tiny bit of flake food in.
Ah, What about brine shrimp? I have some frozen brine shrimp.
Im concerned about the corals aswell (Zoas) what will they feed on?

as i say i wouldn't feed any frozen until you've got some fish in there. there is just no need and you'll be polluting your water quality for no reason.
As for your corals, they will only need light to thrive.
Some people say that you can feed zoas some mysis or equivalent but you don't have too, light is sufficient.

how many hermits have you got in there?
you can feed bloodworms to marine as long as it sais on the blister pack that its safe

mine have it very ocasionally

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