Would This Stocking Work?

Ha! Well yeah, that is expensive. I saw a pleco a few years back that looked very much like a zebra, at a "normal" price (as in I wasn't surprised by the price). It was at a good LFS that knew its stuff. I wonder what it was! Oh, perhaps the L134 you mentioned. Anyway I will have a limited choice with plecos, I am sure. I was naming one I loved the look of, but I will probably end up choosing on the day, whichever calls out to us most.

Having said that, I think I would spend more in one go on a pleco than a group of tiny fish, perhaps. In my limited experience they tend to have very good lifespans... But I doubt I could get away with ~£100, even if my husband loves the tank too. :lol:
Have a look on aquarist classifieds for people selling juvenile pleco's. I like the L106's. Not exactly the jazziest, but beautiful non the less.

Some of the rarer BN's may also be worth considering such as L059's and L183's. (Chexk the classifieds here as there are some 059's for sale atm.
+1 that's a beautiful fish with the polka dots.
Thanks, I will look into those. I am a little overwhelmed with how many types there are! I think one thing that really appeals to me about the zebras are that they are so visible. I tend to stress a bit when I can't find my plecos, who are very good at hiding. :blush:
How about pencil fish? I had forgotten that I liked them when I read about them, and I just saw that they are meant to be good dither fish. Would they fit in with the fish I have listed so far? I *think* they do, but maybe there is something I don't know...
In general this is a good fish but I think it might be more timid than you are wanting and tey do best in groups as well.
I would only have groups anyway really, other than the obvious (like a plec, etc). If they are timid though I don't want them to be scared around my other fish. Hmm... I will keep thinking.
I found some celestial pearl danios. They aren't £2.50, but £3.75 (they are sold in units of 2 for £7.50). I don't necessarily think that is a lot for a fish, but it is a lot when I was thinking it would be nice to have around 20 of them. Haha. Bolivian rams aren't as much as I thought they would be though, at £8.50 per pair. Now I am unsure whether to get two or four at once. I can't decide which way would be best in order to avoid territorial issues as much as possible. I think I have some time to figure that out though. I will probably add them last.
Stock in order of aggression.

The price for the Rams is great, the CPD's are a joke at that price.
Do you mean least aggressive last so they are going into the other's territory rather than the other way around? I need to get the tetras today since mine is all alone in their now. Other than them, and I guess potentially the rams, I don't think there is any aggression really in the fish I chose (assuming I find them). Unless the last type I choose happens to have some potential for it. I do plan to completely change the layout though, so maybe that will help compensate for the tetras going in first (though when I had them before they did keep to themselves).

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