Would This Stocking Work?

They are beautiful! They remind me a bit of miniature versions of the orange finned danios I used to have. They seem tiny. How many could I have in the proposed list I have so far? (If I can find them, that is. I am unfortunately going to be somewhat limited due to where I live.)
They are small. You could easily do 20 of them in my opinion. They can be hard to find.
Do check the water condition they need before getting them though.
Of course! Smart phones will make this so much easier than it would have been before, having to go home then come back repeatedly.
I love technology!
So, something like:

2-4 Bolivian Rams
12 emperor tetras
~20 celestial pearl danios if I can find them -or- less of something bigger
1 or 2 of a small pleco
6+ Sterba's corys

Does that sound like a good mix? Could I get away with more corys? I know they in particular like to be in large numbers.
If it were my tank I would stick with 6 cory and do just 1 pleco. While cory are social fish they do pretty well with 3-6 of them in a tank in my experience.
Okay, thanks. I keep reading that they gain more and more confidence in groups, which is what I was thinking when having more than 6. But 6 is nice! I have always had a breeding pair of plecos, which is why I kind of want 2. I loved watching the male fan the eggs! I know they are messy but like I said I have maintained perfect water quality with more of a stock than this. But I don't even know the type of pleco I will get. It really depends on what is available, I guess.
I suggest you get six and observe the behavior. If you notice they are shy, or otherwise unhappy then consider adding one or two more.
If you love the pleco then you love the pleco! ;)

It's good you maintain the water quality. Stocking is a mix of quality and behavior.
Yes, this is what I was thinking when I was talking about the barbs. As far as I remember, they acted the same, and stayed in the same part of the tank (though I had them at different times). I have to have the tetras because it would be cruel to keep the one I do have on his own, plus I do like them. But I am not really coming up with another fish that would work.

I have 4 tetras and 4 barb 2 tigers and 2 green tiger and they dont stay in the same place the barbs are happy to be anywere in the tank always chasing eachother round. They dont really have a preference of were they stay aslong as theres another one close to them:) so dont rule them out just for this reason there one on my favorite fish always active and always come say hello when you go up to the glass.
Yes, this is what I was thinking when I was talking about the barbs. As far as I remember, they acted the same, and stayed in the same part of the tank (though I had them at different times). I have to have the tetras because it would be cruel to keep the one I do have on his own, plus I do like them. But I am not really coming up with another fish that would work.

I have 4 tetras and 4 barb 2 tigers and 2 green tiger and they dont stay in the same place the barbs are happy to be anywere in the tank always chasing eachother round. They dont really have a preference of were they stay aslong as theres another one close to them:) so dont rule them out just for this reason there one on my favorite fish always active and always come say hello when you go up to the glass.

I love tiger barbs, but I can't have them in my tank. It wouldn't work, unfortunately! The barbs I am talking (pentazona/five band) about are beautiful and full of personality, but they really do tend to stay in a little pack in the middle of the tank, sort of hovering. I have had a few groups of them over the years and they have all done this. It isn't a problem, but I am trying to fill up different levels.
CPD's are very expensive, usually arund £2.50 each. If you're lucky enough to find them cheaper then it is a good price.

If it was me personally, i would be looking to stock as many Sterbai's as you can afford. Their behaviour changes vastly when kept in larger numbers. :)
Ah, that's good to know. Thanks! I will see what I can find and the prices before I absolutely finalise my list. That is a lot when talking about large groups. I hope I can find the corys, but it isn't guaranteed. I have been told on here about a newer shop, which I will check out. I didn't feel comfortable in another I went to, but I will have a look again and see if it has improved as well.

Assuming the CPDs will be too expensive, then how does this look?

12 emperor tetras
2 or 4 Bolivian rams
6+ Corys (the + would obviously alter my other numbers)
(big blank space)
1 or 2 Zebra pleco (or another that I can find, but I have always liked these)

I don't know what to put there. Maybe the five banded barbs afterall, because I have always wanted tigers but know I can't really get away with that. Or danios? They are fun to watch. I just don't know what to put in that space.
I like the zebra pleco. That's a good one.
To me that sounds like a nice list.
I love all of those stripey plecos! Like the royal, which I know is too big for me. I think I am a bigger pleco fan in general than I had realised.
If you think CPD's are expensive how would you feel about paying £100 each for the L46's? Lol. Leopard Frogs, L134, are a cheaper alternative. Also L129's known as the chocolate zebra pleco.

Also look at L015's.

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