Fish Addict
The Bolivian rams will not welcome any more bottom dwellers. The danios are too busy for most surface dwellers as they are usually relatively passive.
While the stocking is already decided, I want to comment on that bit. I have no idea where the idea that bolivian rams are aggressive toward bottom dwellers came from. The bolivian are absolute puppies. They will only chase other fish away for few centimeters, sort of like a scare off, I have not yet seen them bite any fish and never even more than a chase. They will absolutely destroy snails, but fish? Not ever
I have had a group for 2 years, regular pairing off, regular spawning, I have had them with corydoras, zero issues or aggression, otocinclus that hang out in the branches near the bottom, amano shrimp that will steal food from their mouth and the past year with a group of kuhli loaches that slither all over and now recently red lizzard whiptails and they coexist with absolute calmness.
Hell I even have them with a 5 (female only, by pure luck) group of pearl gourami for the past year and a half. None of this are random or temporary or short term experiences.
That fish is simply not aggressive, in fact I will be getting more females since I lost one due to a stuck behind a heater incident.
To this tank in question I would not recommend bottom dwellers due to the substrate, but other than that,...