Worlds Largest Aquarium Petition Is Up - Sign!

here is an argument against the proposed aqarium!!

Say NO to NIRAH!
Animal Aid is lending its support to the campaign against the construction of a massive new aquarium known as the National Institute for Research into Aquatic Habitats - or the NIRAH project. It is claimed that the central purpose of the NIRAH is conservation. However, snatching animals from the wild and calling it conservation is a con: the only true way of helping species at risk is to protect their wild habitats, as opposed to cooping them up in captivity.

Shockingly, not only will NIRAH be an aquatic zoo, but it will also house a laboratory in which drug company and university scientists will carry out research on aquatic or semi-aquatic animals, to investigate the 'biomedical potential' hidden in the toxins, venoms and secretions they produce.

Even more scandalous are plans to conduct research into ways of farming some of the fish and reptiles for meat in their native countries. NIRAH describes these animals as 'living gold'.

so what if they look at ways of farming the fish as food for their native countries, we eat sheep and cows, trout, so why shouldn't natives eat their natural inhabitants, such as the fish.

Should the NIRAH be built, it will be four times the size of the Eden Project - with which it appears to be clearly competing in terms of scale and prestige.

The organisers have recently entered into discussions with Bedfordshire local and county councils with a view to building the aquarium there.

Despite objections from The Captive Animals Protection Society (CAPS), councillors are embracing the project with open arms, believing it will generate large sums of tourist income for the area. This displays extreme naivety on the part of the Council as to the general uneasiness most people feel over animal experiments - and, increasingly, keeping wild animals in captivity.

uh hello.. zoos still draw in tourists, as do breeding programmes!! of course this type of thing will generate large numbers of tourists, and vast numbers of jobs in the areas, which is good considering the numbers of unemployed!!

i really cannot see any harm that this project will bring, and these arguments against it are poorly thought through and smack of desperation!

sorry if anyone is upset by my comments; but i really cannot see thier point of view (the protestors), and it just strikes me that these people are more concerned with upholding their own narrow minded views, than they are at looking at the actual picture, and seeing the good that a project such as this will actaully do! we often talk on here about how people don't see fish as animals, but as mere objects of attraction which aren't really worth it, but this project will show people a different side to fish, and fish keeping a more positive side.

if anyone feels the need to voice thier opinion to these so called animal rights activists then here is an email address you can use

[email protected] <[email protected]>
so what if they look at ways of farming the fish as food for their native countries, we eat sheep and cows, trout, so why shouldn't natives eat their natural inhabitants, such as the fish.

My guessing is that most activists are vegetarian?

I agree with your points K&J - I too have read that article.

On a general note, I think its important we all keep to topic here, as this could very quickly becoming an animal activist bashing thread, and we'll find it closed before too long!
On a general note, I think its important we all keep to topic here, as this could very quickly becoming an animal activist bashing thread, and we'll find it closed before too long!
Very good point. I had actually typed in a reply earlier (after kat and james reply) and then realized that this wasn't the place for it so I didn't post it (the thought crossed my mind that the thread could get locked too). I'll just say that I'm not a supporter of the animal activist type groups.
signed, no. 111 :p
yea i know!! sorry guys.. just got REALLY angry with it!
back to topic.. i've voiced my rather opinionated opinion now, and it's out of my system!!! :D

keep up the good work, and lets get some more signatures down!!

kat :)
Noticed over 75 activists protested again last week, had a right go at them. the company who run the show actually said "Well, its gonna help rare species, so i dont see what you're protesting about - do you want rare species to become extinct?"
What does it mean by "Bedfordshire wasteland?" Does that mean a part of a city that has been in ruins and not used, or a section of "inhabitable" wilderness?

If it's the latter, they are doing more harm than good, in my opinion.
Signed 170, not that I think it'll make a difference, but nothing ventured ....


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