Worlds Largest Aquarium Petition Is Up - Sign!

Signed and i am number 54.

Wether the petition works or not at least i can say i did my part in doing the right thing. :)
I have already constructed very lengthy, well constructed email that I have sent to all societies campaining against NIRAH. I have yet to recieve replies as i suspect I have stumped alot of campaingers with a well constructed and CORRECT point of view.

I personally think most animal activists are completely shallow and do not look at the full picture. Of course i am very much with them when it comes to campaining against testing cosmetics and drugs on animals, but campaigners go about stopping it completely the wrong way, and often dont really know what they are campaigning against.

This is what is happening with NIRAH. They have got wind of the word "experiment" and taken it COMPLETELY out of context, and have decided that this means they will be treated cruely and with little respect.
It only takes a quick call, or a look at the NIRAH website to find out that this is simply NOT what is going to happen.

Keep signing, but dont expect it to do much. I suggest you guys get emailing the activists, and in the most mature and intelligent way explain to them why you think they are wrong.

By typing "NIRAH" into google you will find websites of animal activists againts the proposed NIRAH.

I really doubt the activists will make a blind bit of difference as the NIRAH will provide thousands of jobs and will be an extremely eductational and interesting attraction for all who visit.

good job people!

And i hear what your saying Bunji, i was going to do the same, and do as they have by listing all the email addresses of the officials involved.... however, i think this tactic is a little... well, malicious and spammy.
It's hardly malicious and spammy, I constructed a well formed agruement for the centre and explained why I do not think they are correct in trying to boycott the opening of the NIRAH.

i don't understand why "animal rights" activists would oppose this, surely an installation like this would inform and educate, teach people about the requirements of different fish, and enable researchers to find out more about the needs of said fish!!

more often than not it seems that animals rights people are just anti-people people!! just stupid people who have nothing better to do with thier time and enjoy complaining, and always under the pretence that it has something to do with "the greater good" blah blah blah

i signed it!!!!!!!!!!! 104 signatures.. we can do better!! :D
Most "activists" whether they are for animal rights, pro-life, etc., have their own agenda and have tunnel vision to an extent. They see things one way and can't be reasoned with. Personally, I think the aquarium would be a great thing but I don't think a petition will matter one way or another. Money talks and if the moneys there and they want to build it, the activists aren't going to stop them. The problem with petitions is that the end up with so many "junk" signatures. If you look, you will see that out of the 105 (at this time) signatures, there are already several double signings (twice by same person), and also "signatures" of Jimmy Hoffa, Bill Clinton, Yoda, Bob Denver, TT Boy, Steve Wynne, Roger Ebert, Kate Moss and Al Sharpton, all with witty comments. Just not a big believer in petitions. If you want to make a difference, send a well written email to the proper party as bunjiwab did.
I have already constructed very lengthy, well constructed email that I have sent to all societies campaining against NIRAH. I have yet to recieve replies as i suspect I have stumped alot of campaingers with a well constructed and CORRECT point of view.

Can we read it? And perhaps make our own decisions on if it was well constructed?!
Only kidding.

This will be an interesting topic I think, and one that will run and run right up until NIRAH either opens, or is over turned at a Judical Review.

While for aquatic fans like us (esp. those in the UK) it will be heaven on earth its not hard to see the point of view of animal activists, even if some of them are a little hypocritical and becoming more and more malicious.

What worries me is that some of the more hardline 'fighters' may get wind of this and join the bandwagon. You only have to search on google for 'Huntingdon Life Science' to see whats already happening.
Take for example the case of the new research lab at Oxford Uni. It being built not only to undertake research on both animals on behalf of humans, but also to research the treatment of animals.
Yet before the work commenced two companies pulled out of the construction, and numerous others of the design etc. as they were threatened by those who, by their own admission, had no real knowledge of what was going on!

Anyway, I personally won't be signing it. While its good to see so many people supporting it, I think its a fruitless task. NIRAH will be built - either in this form, or something similar. There are too many stakeholders with too much to loose if they don't.

Ultimteley, let us not forget that capture and resarch is no where as important as conservation of existing habitats.

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