Wobbly Guppy?

how many guppy fry have you gotten in ur first drop?

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A dechlorinator is a liquid form you add to the fresh tap water before you put the water into your tank,it makes chloride & other metals from your tap water safe for your fish,has chloride can kill fish and mess up your filter's bacteria.something like aquasafe,prime etc...
ohhhhhhhh!! i have that !! its like in a little bag that came with the tank.so i just take out the water put dechlorinator in and let it sit for a little?
Little bags are often things like carbon or zeolite. A dechlorinator will go by names like Prime or Aquasafe or Amquel or API Stresscoat. They are liquids used in small amounts to remove chlorine from new water before you put the water in the tank.
i totally have that. ive been doing it all wrong! but its been working for my 36 gallon tank oh well. my guppy fry are 10 days old now and the one that was darker than all the other ones lost all its darkness around its stomach now its tail has the only little specks on it.
my fry are 11 days old and when i got home from school, i was watching them eat when i saw a fry that was shaped like a U but not as steep. its tail is up and so is its head. do u think i should cull it and let it get eaten or let it live?
its gone i fed it to my adult guppys :( most meanest thing i have ever done! i didnt want to do it but i felt so bad. i just netted it and i just set it in.first my female tried to eat it bit it a few times but she didnt eat it then i netted it cause i couldnt stand to watch anymore. before i could net it my male came over and ate it!! its tail was sticking out of its mouth.but what was i supposed to do!? let it grow up and suffer!? good call. anyway they r growing much everyday. i found more fry with the dark speck around their tails so maybe they r getting some color on their tails.
It can be difficult to cull fish biokid, but it is a necessary part of fish keeping if you want to do the best that you for can for the next generation of fish. I wish you the best of luck doing what must be done.
thank you and i havent found another deformed one... yet.. they got abigger i must say they r 12 days old and they r growing alot.they have bigger bellies and bigger tails now. but something seems wierd.a couple of them r growing bigger than the other ones.r they females? or does it just happen?

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