Wobbly Guppy?

how many guppy fry have you gotten in ur first drop?

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omg guys! when i got off of here from my last post i saw 2 baby fish in the main tank. i was like WHOA!!so ive been watching her since this morning.but u know what was wierd the wobbly fat one didnt give birth, my two other girls gave birth!! not her!! they werent even fat.
so i captured those 2 babies and put em in a container till she was done. i needed to find out who was giving birth so i can seperate her so i saw an egg it was deformed and i thot sone of my girls had it and i took her out and put her in the 5 gallon and it turns out it wasnt her who had the egg it was another girl and they were both giving birth!!. one just kept ahaving eggs and the other was giving birth to live babies. so i think they r done and right now i have about 20 babies maybe more they r to hard to count. and there r plants so idk.IM SO HAPPY THIS IS MY FIRST EVER GUPPY DROP!! sadly there were some eggs and there is this one baby that is conjoined with another one by their stomaches im planning on culling it if i could find it!!
thank u so much! but lol guess what the wobbly one gave birth in the main tank i said ughh! cause she didnt give birth in the time i had her in the birthing tank so now i have about 30 maybe more. thats good for my first time right????!!!! the first one had 20-23 babies and the second one had 10-15 babies. some got eaten so there should've been more
good morning! all the babies r happy and healthy this morning. i wish i could count them. there is so many places for them to hide in such a big tank. but some dont like hiding.
Congrats on your first fry! I'm currently waiting for my female to give birth too, but she's probably got a week or two left :p I actually just got her and my male yesterday, they're my first guppies lol
lol thats cool i wasnt expecting fry for about 2 weeks also after i got them and it was only 9 days its great. my way of telling when they drop is to guess and subtract 3 days lol.
one of my female guppy moms died today :-( she seemed wierd tho.she was breathing heavily and on the gravel at times. all my females r doing the same thing.and 3 out of 5 of them gave birth. maybe they r just tired. what should i do?
I imagine birth can be pretty traumatic, it is for humans(bit of a jump comparing them but hey).

No sign of disease so id put it down to birth/old age perhaps.
yea guess what the last of the yellow females that gave birth just died. she jumped over to the baby side of the tank and died there. i dont think its old age maybe they gave birth to young because they are all smaller than my males and i read that males r smaller than females. they died two hourse apart from each other. the babies r doing perfect and so r my other 5 guppies(that i have left).2 females and 3 males is all i have left but i am going to the pet store to get a couple more females cause i dont want these ones to die cause of the males.
Have you checked your water stats?,seems strange having 2 females die in a day...how long has the tank been cycled?

I know people do lose females after birth,normally its stress from trapping them,but i had 4 females(until i sold 2 of them recently) and they regularly dropped fry with no problems.
my moms bf told me the tank didnt have to be cycled for like 4 weeks or a long time just for a couple days and so did the paper that the tank came with.so i had my bettas in it with dividers. and i lost 3 females in one day. im thinking it cant be the water stats cause the other fish would be having problems to but they r perfect and i love watching them. the males always cut through the flow of the filter. its funny. they take turns. all the water stats are fine my moms bf told me. i still dont know how to read that stuff lol. im only 14 so he does it for me. and they r normal...my mom says to wait and see if the babies live so that i dont have to buy more females. is there a time where after they reach an age that they have a bigger chance of living?
Sorry but when you have adult fish in a tank that hasn't been cycled you will get deaths,unless you do daily waterchanges,ammonia & nitrite build up and poisons & burns the fishes gills and causes death.
Cycling a filter takes 4-6 weeks,fish poo/wee/breathing all causes ammonia in the water which is deadly to all fish.
Other fish may take longer to die in this conditions but it will shorten their lifespan.

Perhaps you should read up in the beginners section about the nitrogen cycle and fish in cycle,and perhaps learn how to read test kits,this is handy when keeping fish,

If you don't keep on top of it you may lose more

Good luck

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