Why Name Your Fish?!

I solved the schooling prob a longtime ago! I named my black pahntom tetra SCHOOL G-Unit! Problem solved!
My kids name all our fish, how they can remember which one is which is beyond me though.
Must be me age :lol:

Ps.. love your new sig & avatar stang
Thanks DJ! Got bored and needed a change. See how long I keep these ones before I get bored... :crazy:
Didn't read the post but i normally name big/funny/unique fish.Such a my blubbabags(fancie goldfish) who died :(
Sometimes I name my more distinctive fish or the ones that show a definite personality. One of the more ingenius ones that I partially came up with and my fiancee finished off is "Jailbait" a Candy Striped Pleco. Jail for the prison-like stripes and bait as in fish bait. :p

In the past was Big Bertha, my tail-deformed Albino Aeneus because she was the big female. Banana, my Albino Channel Cat because he was the size and color of a banana. Mr. Magoo, the large cana snail whose siphon looked like Magoo's big nose. Then all the Bettas I've had have had names. There are a few others I can't think of at the moment. Most of what I have now though aren't named. I'm somewhat superstitious about it as it seems any fish I name dies an untimely death. :p
Most of my fish don't have names, but the ones which stand out and can be distinguished easily all have names.
As what has been mentioned previously, it is uncommon to name small, shoaling fish which have little significance and the main problem is that it's impossible to name them in the first place as they look identicle.

People name fish which display interesting characteristics, I therefore have a name for my puffer and 2 of my Clown loaches, these are very interesting fish and can almost act like common pets. Larger fish normally have names too.

Naming fish can also be useful to refer to and it brings a connection to the fishkeeper and the fish, this makes the fish become much more significant. It will make the fish become almost a friend simply by naming them, you would think 'Gary the puffer died'instead of 'the puffer died'. It's strange but a named fish dying will often be much worse than an unamed fish dying.
Didn't read the previous posts but I believe fish should get names (unless they're like neons who all look alike). Why not? It doesn't cost any money, and it's also kinda fun. Why name your cat then? Can't you just say "Mom, I fed the cat" instead of "mom I fed Fluffy". I think this is another issue with fish not being treated as pets but as objects. I agree they are pretty to look at but they are a member of my family and I believe they should deserve a name like a cat or a dog does.
is it really worrying that we often refer to the fish as 'the kids' ? :rolleyes: :unsure:
I have five glowlight danios - 3 bigger ones, 2 smaller ones. The smaller ones are Sparky and Sally because we can tell which is which easily - as well as the obvious size difference Sparky is missing a bit of his fin so it's easy enough to identify them. The other three have names but we have no idea which is which.
I love naming fish. Its fun coming home in the car and trying to think of a new name. Usually I come up with suggestions from Hollyoaks. Our next female betta shall be called Carmel. :rolleyes:
I name fish because I can it's more for my own use so my relatives know which fish im referring to... I name my fish strange names more to amuse and disgust my parents Lol... like naming fish after bad 80's bands :D

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