Why Name Your Fish?!

Lord give me strength............................ ^_^

:lol: my sentiments exactly

Though i do have one named fish Mr Hankey the electric catfish, though you kind of have to name a fish that looks like a large swimming turd and has put you on your butt on at least one occasion.
it is in human nature to compartmentalise things by putting the in boxes and labling them.
it is also out nature to attach emotions to things and therefore we give those things names,
even inanimate objects, like cars, boats etc

basicaly why we (mankind) name fish is because we have to, it is in our nature.
All my fish have names. Why are fish any less worthy then dogs or cats? Sure they don't come when you call, neither does my dog, nor do my guinea pigs, or my budgies for that matter. Naming an animal makes it that bit more personal, shows you enjoy it, I guess at the same time it makes it yours, and you lay your claim on it because you named it LOL, somehow I think I spend a wee bit too much time investigating human nature. My plants have names to, though all my plants are cactus's rather then a vine that covers a whole side of a house LOL.
fair play. maybe i'm the boring minority then! :blush: just wondered if there was a particular reason or something
....actually, I have two house plants that I gave names to, Chris and John, Chris is a yucca sort of thing, but I've had Chris for 14 years, he IS a member of the family :lol:

Oh and John is a Peace Lily - John Lennon :)
Lord give me strength............................ ^_^

Oh grow up - why do you need to be given strength to deal with other people's harmless amusement? Nobody's requiring that you name anything - or even passing comment on the fact that you don't.
i name fish but i will never name one after me or someone i know because if it dies it will be even more sad
Lord give me strength............................ ^_^

Oh grow up - why do you need to be given strength to deal with other people's harmless amusement? Nobody's requiring that you name anything - or even passing comment on the fact that you don't.

Get a grip. It was a joke , you essex person you
:lol: :flowers: OK, sorry- it just sounded grumpy to me - lack of tone of voice/body language on-line . My fault.
Sorry to copy the whole thing, but this:

Lord give me strength............................ ^_^

Oh grow up - why do you need to be given strength to deal with other people's harmless amusement? Nobody's requiring that you name anything - or even passing comment on the fact that you don't.

Get a grip. It was a joke , you essex person you
:lol: :flowers: OK, sorry- it just sounded grumpy to me - lack of tone of voice/body language on-line . My fault.

Well handled. Even if you think you were wrongly understood, to say sorry so quickly and resolve it was a real winner for me.

That was one of two things I was never any good at and had to learn as an adult:

1) To do something foolish and not become enraged if people laughed.

2) To say sorry straight away, even if I didn't really feel that way, but to do it anyway to save another person being hurt or to prevent a situation getting out of control.
None of my fish are named, even the distinctive ones with personalities. Well, I think my girlfriend may have named a few, but I ignore them.

Honestly, I hate naming everything. Before keeping fish, I was into rodents, had pet rats and gerbils, and friends named them for me because I couldn't think of anything I liked. Then the Gerbils had two litters before seperating - and I didn't name a single one of the offspring. I still have two of the surviving sons (along with the father), and they've never had names. Don't ever refer to the father by his name for that matter.

Hell, back when I was young, and used to write short stories, I would finish up an entire story and couldn't think up a single name for any of the characters I liked. I just really, really hate naming things. -_-
None of my fish are named, even the distinctive ones with personalities. Well, I think my girlfriend may have named a few, but I ignore them.

Honestly, I hate naming everything. Before keeping fish, I was into rodents, had pet rats and gerbils, and friends named them for me because I couldn't think of anything I liked. Then the Gerbils had two litters before seperating - and I didn't name a single one of the offspring. I still have two of the surviving sons (along with the father), and they've never had names. Don't ever refer to the father by his name for that matter.

Hell, back when I was young, and used to write short stories, I would finish up an entire story and couldn't think up a single name for any of the characters I liked. I just really, really hate naming things. -_-

Well your just a big bundle of fun eh? :lol:
Lord give me strength............................ ^_^

Oh grow up - why do you need to be given strength to deal with other people's harmless amusement? Nobody's requiring that you name anything - or even passing comment on the fact that you don't.

Get a grip. It was a joke , you essex person you
:lol: :flowers: OK, sorry- it just sounded grumpy to me - lack of tone of voice/body language on-line . My fault.

No worries!!!! :wub:

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